Points From Letters Surgeon, Speaking Of Our Lord's...
that 'every detail of the story suggests that a wounded victim' in some way survived. He knows little of the physical facts of Roman crucifixion, (1) Nails were driven through......
The Angry, Young Man
SIR,—I was astonished to read Mr. Robert Hancock's vicious and vulgar attack on Mr. John Osborne in the pages of the Spectator. Does he really imagine that such trivia as......
Desert Love
SIR,—Your readers will be interested to know that Henri de Montherlant's Desert Love, which was the subject of a letter from me in your paper, will now be published at the end......
Doctors' Pay
SIR,—The Government, by its complete refusal to negotiate with the doctors on their remuneration, is alone responsible for the sorry state of affairs now existing—a state of......