Points From Letters Surgeon, Speaking Of Our Lord's...
that 'every detail of the story suggests that a wounded victim' in some way survived. He knows little of the physical facts of Roman crucifixion, (1) Nails were driven through......
Sir,—surgeon's Theory Is, Of Course, A Very Old One. But
is it not more fantastic than the belief of the orthodox? Presumably Joseph of Arimathwa spirited Christ away without the knowledge of the disciple. Otherwise the whole story of......
Scr,—i Think That Most Naval Officers Who Took An Active
part in the war at sea will have read Mr. Kennedy's .strictures on Admiral Pound with some repugnance. No doubt mistakes were made—it could hardly have been otherwise when so......
Easter Morning
SIR,—Surgeon's theory of the Resurrection is the old theory of Venturini. Of that Mr. Morrison wrote in Who Moved The Stone?, 'I include this suggestion here more for the sake......
99 Gower Street, London, W.c.1
Euston 3221......
Letters To The Editor
Admiral Pound Sir Robert Boothby, MP Vice Admiral J. W. Durnford Easter Morning Christopher Hollis, Sir Charles Jeffries, Rev. H. M. J. Burdett, Rev. E. Oliver Sutton and others......
Sir,—miss Strachey In Her Letter Refers Rather Oddly For The
printer does) to I Gal. xii, 16, meaning of course Gal. i, 12, 16 as showing that St. Paul did not question the Apostles about the Resurrection. But that is precisely what he......
Sir,—the Letter From Surgeon Is Impressive At First...
the matter needs to be looked at a little more closely. We must face the fact that the only documentary evidence for the incidents described in the Gospels (and the Acts of the......