3 MAY 1957, page 8

For Years Disciples Of Alistair Forbes Have Looked For His

political commentary in the same place in the Sunday Dispatch: at the bottom of . the left-hand middle page—the only thing in the paper worth reading, except, occasionally, for......

Exactly Two Hundred And Fifty Years After The Political...

of England and Scotland a report on Relations between Anglican and Presbyterian Churches (S.P.C.K., 3s. 6d.) has been published. Without denying the existence of considerable......

Call It Nerves, Call It Newsprint-indigestion, Call It...

like. Glancing up from my paper on the bus the other morning, my eye fell momen- tarily on my neighbour's. A brief glance took in a head-and-shoulders picture of a man, and a......

How ? Or Why ?

By HUGH MONTEFIORE T T is becoming a commonplace to be told nowadays that science is elbowing out religion and that Christianity is an old-fashioned fairy story that is being......

Tmaxlco City Students Are, It Appears, Threatening To...

buses in retaliation for one of their 'number being injured by a careless driver. This is what the Marxists Would call 'direct action,' and is capable of indefinite extension.......

A Prisoner Came To Breakfast Intelligence

A 'NICE young gentleman' knocked at the door of 36-year-old Mrs. Janet Williams's house yesterday. Daily Express, April 26. MRS. JANET WILLIAMS, 37, was cooking. Daily Mail,......