You Can't Believe Your Eyes. By Joan Fleming. (collins, 10s.
6d.) Prettily put-together piece con- cerning death over dinner; how it looked to all present; and who had really done it. Convincingly contemporary London background and some......
End Of Chapter. By Nicholas Blake. (collins, 12s. 6d.)...
must often imagine murder in a publisher's office—if only of a fellow-author. Mr. Blake polishes off a horrible woman writer, very elegantly and readably as to his own prose, a......
Twelve Girls In The Garden. By Shane Martin.
(Collins, 10s. 6d.) 'Figurine' for 'figure' suggests an American author, but all else about this highly literate and enjoyable thriller, set in Chelsea, Bloomsbury, Athens and......
The Desert And The Sown .
A FEW years ago the American Mission to Under- Developed Countries (Point IV) was engaged in ploughing up stretches of the Jordan desert and constructing water catchments, in......
The Crimson In The Purple. By Holly Roth. (hamish Hamilton,
12s. 6d.) Murder in one of those New York theatrical dynasties; rather a talkative plot—but good talk. Miss Roth has con- structed tenser tales than this, but she is as sen-......
Boiled Alive. By Bruce Buckingham. (michael Joseph, 12s....
publisher's crime novels are so elegantly printed as to add 10 per cent. or so to the readability. So this may not be quite so good as I think it is, and perhaps there are too......
What Rough Beast. By John Trench. (mac- Donald, 10s. 6d.)
Teddy-boy goings-on in a cathedral town, where a canon is framed. The author enjoys his dislike of modern youth of the obstreperous lower orders, and his ignorance about......
It's A Crime
Escape and Be Secret. By Charles Gibbs-Smith. (Heinemann, 15s.) Escape-through-the-Iron-Cur- tain sort, set in Vienna, the mountains, and the very best postal districts of......