[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—World you kindly allow me to correct a misstate- ment of fact in your last week's notice of my edition of " Phormio "? Your reviewer writes :—" Mr. Sloman seems to- be under the impression that medicari generally takes the- dative. This is not the case." My impression is shared by some others. In fact, the instance quoted in my note, Virg.„ ".].," vii., 756, is the only place, earlier than Pliny, where• medicari governs any other case. In Plant., "Most.," 387, Ritschel, with the best 'MSS., reads medicabo. Perhaps your- reviewer was thinking of medicare.—I am, Sir, &c., Birkenhead School, October 30th. A. SLOMAN.
[The instances as quoted in Lewis and Short are exactly divided between the accusative and dative. The word, there- fore, could not well serve the purpose for which Mr. Sloman used it.—En. Spectator.]