The Church Bells Album (southampton Street, Strand) Con-...
eighty engravings, each accompanied with explanatory letterpress, of cathedrals and churches in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and the Midland Counties. The engravings do not pretend to......
The A L Annual. (s. W. Partridge And Co.)—this Is The
first volume of a new venture, for which we cannot but think a more attractive title might have been invented. The magazine seems to promise, indeed to perform, well. Each......
We Have Already Noticed The First Half-yearly Volume Of...
Saturday Journal, and there is little more to add now that we have the collected issue of the whole year. It would not be easy to find a better collection of its kind. It does......
From Messrs. Routledge We Have Every Boy's Annual, Edited By
Edmund Routledge. This, our readers will remember, is the annual volume of Every Boy's Magazine, now to be incorporated with the Boy's Own Paper. Mr. Ascott Hope contributes to......
" Q.'s " New Tale.*
A CRITIC would lay himself open to an obvious rebuff, were he to boast that it was his remonstrances or advice that bad caused the marked difference of character that......
In A Series Which Takes The Title Of " The
Boy's Own Bookshelf," we have Indoor Games and Recreations : a Popular Encyclopedia for Boys. Edited by G. A. Hutchinson. (Religious Tract Society.)— Mr. Hutchinson has enlisted......
Little Wide - Awake, Edited By Mrs. Sale Barker...
is another welcome visitor at this time of year. " When I was a Little Boy" has a little French lad for its hero, and will interest young English readers in manners and customs......
The Captain Of The Wight, By Frank Cowper (seeley And
Co.), takes us back exactly four hundred, years, to the time when Sir Edward Woodville was " Lord and Captain of the Isle of Wight' , under Henry VII., and was able to induce......
Harper's Young People. (sampson Low And Co.)—this Is A...
volume, in which the purchaser will certainly get full value for his money. Most of the contents are, we suppose, of American origin. We see that money is reckoned in dollars,......
Current Literature.
GIFT.BOOKS. John Standish ; or, the Harrowing of London, by the Rev. E. Gilliatt (Seeley and Co.), is one of those carefully written and admirably printed historical romances......
The Girl's Own Annual And The Boy's Own Annual, Giving
in volume form the yearly contents of two magazines for young folks which are now, and in the most literal of senses, familiar as household words, are once more before us. They......