—it Is Not Necessary To Say More About Messrs. Bond
and Walpole's book than that it is as complete as care and experience can make it. Faults that occur in the larger volume have been omitted. We should be inclined to say that......
The Talking Oak, By Frederick Laagbridge (eyre And Spottis-
woode), is a. pretty book, inside and out. The children are charmingly pictured, and the verses very nice jingles indeed, as, e.g. :— " Out we are sallying, jolly as sand-boys,......
We Have Already Noticed The First Half-yearly Volume Of...
Saturday Journal, and there is little more to add now that we have the collected issue of the whole year. It would not be easy to find a better collection of its kind. It does......
Livy, Book xxi. Edited by Marcus S. Dimsdale, M.A. (Pitt Press.)—In view of the fact, with which Mr. Dimsdale makes us acquainted in his preface, that there is little in his......
The Brig Audacious.' By Alan Cole. (blackie And Son.)—...
and pirates and savages figure in these pages ; and, what with the yarns which various seamen spin, and an ingenious introduction of a " brain-wave " anecdote, where a dream......
Lin, Book Xxii. Edited, With Introduction, Notes, And...
the Rev. Launcelot Downing Dowdall, M.A. (Deighton, Bell, and Co.)—Mr. Dowdall has produced a very useful book. Any one editing this portion of Livy is somewhat at a......
Gleanings From The " Graphic." By Randolph Caldecott....
and Sons.)—It would be unreasonable to expect the same quality in gleanings as in the harvest. The best are naturally gathered first. Still, this volume, gathered from the......
The Girl's Own Indoor Book. Edited By Charles Peters....
Tract Society.)—In this volume we have a collection of various papers published during nine years in the Girl's Own Paper. It is meant to give " practical help to girls on all......
Atalanta. Edited By L. T. Meade And Alicia A. Leith.
(Hatchards.)—As a new venture which has achieved a very creditable success, Atalanta deserves a special word of welcome among the yearly volumes of magazines which call for......