Lord Spencer Made A Speech At Glasgow Yesterday Week, In
which he threw doubts , on Lord Londonderry's statis- tics of agrarian improvement in Ireland, suggesting that the 160 farms from which former tenants had been evicted, and......
The Speaker Of The House Of Commons Made Some Sensible
remarks at Leamington on Monday, on the subject of prizes and examinations, urging that these humble but useful instru- ments should be means and not ends, and that they ought......
We Deeply Regret To Observe That Cardinal Newman Has Had
a very serious accident, and is suffering not only from the consequences of a fainting-fit, but of the heavy fall which his fainting-fit caused. The latest account of his......
The Czar Has Been Nearly Killed. The Imperial Train From
South Russia to Moscow on the 29th inst., ran off the rails in a deep gorge near Taranovka, and most of the carriages were thrown over. A number of the passengers, variously......
Mrs. Temple,—the Wife Of The Bishop Of London,—writes A Good
letter to Tuesday's Times in favour of what she calls " an inebriate home for women," which is just what she does not mean; the home is to be a home for inebriate women, but it......
The Liberal Unionist For November, Printing Mr. Glad-...
letter which imputes the horrible cruelty to animals- by which the agrarian campaign in Ireland is so often carried on, almost as much to those who are responsible for the......
M. Jules Simon, According To The Paris Correspondent Of The
Globe, states strongly his opinion that General Boulanger will succeed; He considers that the situation of 1848 is repeating itself, all malcontents concentrating their support......
There Is Reason To Believe That The German Government, After
gravely considering its position in East Africa, has decided that the rising against the German Company is due to the hostility of the. Arab slave-stealers to European settle-......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.
New Consols (24) were on Friday 971 to 971.......
On The Same Day, Sir Henry James Made A Very
able speech at York. He exposed Sir William Harcourt's shameless asser- tion that the only Decalogue of the Unionists consists of a ten- fold repetition of the commandment, "......