The Romance Of A Shop. By Amy Levy. (fisher Unwin.)—
Miss Levy has already earned a place in the world of letters by the freshness and charm of her verses, and she has written, we believe, short tales for the magazines ; but as a......
The Epistles Of Horace, Book I. With Introduction And Notes
by E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A. (Pitt Press.)—"An editor of any part of Horace," says Mr. Shuckburgh, "takes his life in his hand." He will not, therefore, we imagine, be surprised to......
Earth Knowledge. Part Il By W. Jerome Harrison And Rowland
Wakefield. (Blackie and Son.)—The subject-matter of this text- book is mainly astronomical, with the necessary notes on spectrum analysis, light, magnetism, and the tides. The......
Imitative Exercises. By F. Ritchie. (rivingtons.)—those...
"Fabuln Faciles," will no doubt find this book very useful. It consists of a collection of exercises based on the former work, to which reference is made by means of an index in......
—it Is Not Necessary To Say More About Messrs. Bond
and Walpole's book than that it is as complete as care and experience can make it. Faults that occur in the larger volume have been omitted. We should be inclined to say that......
Chronological Tables Of Ancient History. By A. C....
and Co.)—For any one who is reading an extensive course of ancient history, this book will be of the greatest value, either for reference or revision. At a single glance the......
We Have Received The Following Fresh Editions :—cicero De...
Lib. iii. With Introduction, Analysis, and Commentary by the Rev. Hubert Ashton Holden, M.A., LL.D. (Cambridge University Press.) — Ovid's Pasti, Books i. - ii. and iii. - iv.......
Select Passages From Greek And Latin Poets. Compiled By E.
H. C. Smith. (Rivingtons.)—Mr. Smith has collected here some of the more famous passages in classical poetry for repetition. As a whole, they are well chosen. But we are of......
College History Of India. By J. Talboys Wheeler....
Co.)—Mr. Wheeler has attempted a great deal in this small volume, nothing less than a History reaching from the Hindoo Epics to the Burmese War, and this in a little over two......
Easy Selections From Ovid. Edited, With Notes,...
in Latin Verse Composition, by H. Wilkinson, M.A. (Macmillan and Co.)—This is an excellent little book. The selections have been carefully chosen, and will prove interesting as......
Tripertita. By F. T. Holden. (rivingtoils.)—this Is A...
easy Latin exercises, arranged in three parts, to suit the pupil's gradual progression. Opposite to each sentence are the Latin words which will be required for its translation.......