3 NOVEMBER 1888, Page 2

The Czar has been nearly killed. The Imperial train from

South Russia to Moscow on the 29th inst., ran off the rails in a deep gorge near Taranovka, and most of the carriages were thrown over. A number of the passengers, variously estimated at from twenty-one to thirty-six, were killed, and as many more were injured. Strange to say, the alining-saloon in which the Imperial party were seated at breakfast, " did not leave the rails," and though its sides were 4` crushed," the Czar and his family escaped unhurt. It is ()facially stated that the rails were old and badly laid, and the speed excessive ; but the official account leaves much unex- plained. It looks as if the Nihilists had prepared an explo- sion which occurred a moment too late, stove-in the dining- saloon, and threw the following carriages off the rails. The incident, whether accidental or intended, will probably increase the safety of the Czar, as it will seem to Russians that he is specially protected.by Providence.