Boons RECEIVED.—Bible Sketches and their Teachings. For Young People. By
Samuel G. Green, D.D. New and revised edition, with maps. Vol. I., " The Old Testament." (Religious Tract Society.)—Cetywayo and his White Neighbours. By H. Rider Haggard. Second edition, with a new Introduction. (Trilbner and Co.)—Culmshire Folk. Third edition.—The Official Guide to the London and North-Western Railway. Illustrated. (Cassell and Co.)—The Ancient and Modern Library of Theological Literature. "The Lives of the Popes," Vol. II. By B. Platina.—Hord Pauline. By W. Paley, D.D. (Griffith, Farran, and Co.)—Guide to the Church Congress and Ecclesiastical Art Exhibition, Manchester, 1888. (33 Southampton Street, Strand.)—An Illustrated Manual of British Birds. Parts 5, 6, and 7. By Howard Saunders. (Gurney and Jackson.)—The Handbook of Jamaica for 1888-89. By A. C. Sinclair and Laurence R. Fyfe. (E. Stanford.)