Impelled by the urgent need to provide timber supplies for the future, the New York State Reforestation Commission recommends adoption of an unusually ambitious plan. This calls for the purchase by the State of 1,000,000 acres of land, during the next twelve years, for tree planting. The cost of the land, it is estimated, would be about $20,000,000, and to obtain authority for its purchase an amendment to the State Constitution would be necessary. The plan provides that none of the trees planted could be cut without approval of the State Conservation Board, and cutting then would be done only in such manner as the forestry experts considered in harmony with the general conservation policy. A further plan provides for the joint acquisition of large tracts of land by State and county authorities. The schemes are to be submitted to the State Legislature early in the New Year, and, since the extent of the inroads upon our timber resources now occasions general concern, the Commission's recommen- dations are promised substantial support.