But Mr. Henderson, Of Course, Never Contemplated The...
of the Treaties. China, as a member of the League, necessarily subscribes to international law under which . Treaties can be ended only by giving the prescribed notice or by......
On Tuesday When Mr. Gandhi Denounced Violence. And Moved A
resolution condemning the bomb outrage on the Viceroy's train he found that it was impossible to confine the frenzy which he had unwittingly aroused. He spoke amid persistent......
The Full Congress Opened Last Saturday And Was Remarkable...
a violent speech by the President, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who was educated at Harrow. He declared that the brief day of European domination was approaching its end. South......
On Friday, December 27th, The Subjects Committee Of The...
Congress at Lahore accepted an extreme resolution which Mr. Gandhi had submitted to them on the previous day. The resolution—afterwards adopted by an overwhelming majority in......
China And The Treaties Last Saturday The Chinese...
Nanking issued a Rescript subjecting all foreigners from New Year's Day onwards to the laws of the Nankink Government and of its local representatives. Thus the Nanking......
It Is Precisely In The Work Of Spreading Information, And
enlisting sympathy and understanding for the labours of Europe that General Smuts may perform the function of a great missionary. No thinking European wants a conflict at any......
- Americans, Unhappily, Are Much Too -apt To Think Of
the League as representing an obsolete European - ten- dency to force the will of a majority - upon those who dissent. If they had studied the laborious architectural work......
A Singularly Ironical Comment On This Speech Was Afforded By
the daily scenes at the Congress Car* where impassive onlookers watched the curiously excited antics of the Congress Volunteers. These Volunteers, singing a revolutionary song......
India We Have Discussed The New Indian Situation In A
leading article, and here we need not do more than record the chief events. Lord Irwin's interview at Delhi with the leaders of the National Congress on Monday, December 23rd,......