4 JANUARY 1930, page 20

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A COCK YEAR. A keeper of my acquaintance bred this last year a good many pheasants, and bred them very successfully ; but his birds exhibited an anomaly. Out of every ten eight......

A Baby Squirrel.

In a district of Berkshire, where the species is still found in good quantity, a red squirrel was seen hopping along the ground with what looked like a ball held in the......

The Luck Of The Ballot Has Fallen To The Author

of the new Bill for preservation. It is a good Bill as well as a lucky one. Let us welcome the omen, and try the " Sortes Vergilianas." The passage on which my eyes alight turns......

Unpopulous Laurels.

May I make a suggestion as to a small and unimportant detail of beautification ? The great reservoirs which hold London's water are enclosed by high sloping banks on which a......

The Lucky East.

It has not been realized in the great floods of last December how great has been the contrasting rainfall in the West and East. "The forecast has almost always been wrong in......


Owing to great pressure on our space the usual Travel Article is held over this week.—ED. SPECTATOR.......

Country Life

" CONCILIA PIORUM." It is a very good sign of the times that an "amenity group" has come into being in the - House of Commons, and is showing great and wise activity. It is not......

A Migration Query.

Some curiosities of bird life in England have to be recorded. A large eagle has been making its appearance in Essex. A bird lover who was told of the locality went down from......