THE LIFE FASHIONABLE. By Peter Traill. (Bren- tano. 75. Od.)—We have often suspected that the eternal triangle was really a quadrilateral and that the novelist's weakness for......
The Gothick North. II. These Sad Ruins. By Sacheverell Sitwell. • (Duckworth. 8s. 6d.) IF, as we believe; it was a mistake to publish The Visit of the Gypsies by itself, it is a......
Forty-one. A Romance By Alan Downey (duffy, Dublin,...
lacked a Walter Scott and its picturesque and chequered ages of romance have been left to the his- torians. Mr. Alan Downey's historical romance of the events which led to the......
The Seven Stabs. By John Cameron. (gollancz. 75....
the right sort of detective story. Murders, clues, new theories and other fresh developments occur on every page. We suspect every member of the house-party in turn, for they......
Every Dog, By E. And V. Pringle-west. (benn. 7s. 6d.)
—Here we have a farce of the most wildly extravagant nature, which is unfortunately treated as though it were a very mild little comedy. It begins with Lord Pavington's attempt......
Reference Books
Debretes Peerage, 1930. (Dean. £3 15s.) -The People's Year Book, 1930. (Co-operative Wholesale Society, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester. 3s.) Post Office London Directory, 1980.......