EVERY DOG, by E. and V. Pringle-West. (Benn. 7s. 6d.)
—Here we have a farce of the most wildly extravagant nature, which is unfortunately treated as though it were a very mild little comedy. It begins with Lord Pavington's attempt to run away from board meetings and the duties of middle-age. He obtains a passport, made out for Bernard West, and determines to run away from himself. Unfortunately he does a little business while awaiting the train that is to take him to freedom. His cousin, Miss Pringle, has asked him to find her an estate agent, so he writes to Mr. Findon, who is his solicitor, asking him to undertake the job. The letter, addressed in very illegible writing, is left in the station cloak-room, where it is found by a young man, who thinks that the address is "to Finder," and applies for the job himself. Meanwhile Lord Pavington's train is Wrecked. He is injured, loses his memory, ' and wakes up to find himself Mr. Bernard West and the guest of one of Miss • e's friends. Naturally, many complica- tions ensue, and "Bernard West" finds some difficulty in
proving that he has not murdered Lord Pavington. The book is tedious, though funny in places.