"plough Monday" [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sm,—Plough Monday being at hand, you may be interested to have the Plough Boy's Play, which is still done in the York- shire villages. To my knowledge it has never been written......
Points From Letters
THE MOHAMMEDANS IN CEYLON. In your issue of December 21st you have an interesting article on "The Experiment in Ceylon "; but towards the bottom of the second paragraph, when......
The Crow
I KNOW a willow tree, unpollarded, neglected, Where sits a ruminative crow, • Who, in the grey canal below, Hour after hour, perceives himself reflected. Or does he watch the......
The Kingfisher
THE meadow lands are waterlogged to-day, A monochrome of cold, metallic grey Saddens the eyes. Skeleton trees, with roots submerged in mud Like masts of stranded ships, about......