4 JANUARY 1930, Page 24


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Being a great -lover of animals, I have just read with the greatest interest Mr. John Galsworthy's article "Animals and Birds" in your issue of November 23rd.

I agree with every word he writes, but 'wonder that in the things he would abolish he does not put first otter hunting, VI my mind the most brutal of all "sports," as it is carried- on in the breeding season, and how any man, or still less a woman, Who has seen a female otter, heavy in Young, broken up by the hounds, can continue the sport beats me.

Also I should like every lady "master " 01 hounds to read what Lady Warwick says in her Life's Ebb and Plow on the subject, it might change their views considerably !—I am,