The attempt made by the Anti-Parnellities to out - Herod' the Parnellites
by starting a new land agitation, does not seem to be succeeding. It is not, however, for want of violent speaking, as may be seen in a speech on the subject of land- grabbing, delivered by Mr. Healy about three weeks ago. The words in their recklessness remind us of the old League speeches, the terrible results of which were proved so abun- dantly, before the Parnell Commission. Speaking at Davids- town, Wexford, on December 16th last, Mr. Healy, after having compared the grabber to a tree which takes firm root. in the soil "unless it is pulled up immediately after being planted," expressed regret for the recent increase in land- grabbing, and pointed out that they had little or none of it ten or fifteen years ago, "when the people were solid and united, with every man in every parish a member of the organisation—some through love and some through fear." What was wanted was more organisation and a more vigorous spirit in the organisations. "Until a spirit like that prevailed, it was impossible for the branches to be what they ought to be,—a terror to evil-doers." If Mr. Healy continue& to use language of this kind he will at any rate be a terror to a. person who is by no means an evil-doer,—i.e., to his ally, poor Mr. Morley.