5 JANUARY 1895, page 10

I At Saturday, Mr. Gladstone Received In The Vestry Of

Hawarden Church a deputation intended to plead for the strenuous support of England in obtaining securities against the cruel and intolerable outrages to which the Armenian......

There Is A Great Lull In The Political World, A

lull such as we have never noticed in the first week of the new year, when representatives are usually preparing for the meeting of Parliament by addressing their constituents,......

United Ireland Is Doing Its Best To Disprove The Theory

of' the "Union of Hearts," and to bear out the remark made by Mr. Sexton in 1881 (at Dublin, on October 14th),—namely, that the "one prevailing and unchangeable passion between......

The Times Of Tuesday Publishes A Letter From Alderman Ben

Tillett in which the dockers' leader reiterates his state- ments about the unemployed, and repeats that Collectivism is the only cure for the miseries of poverty. We have dealt......

The Young Earl Of Buckinghamshire, Who Is The Heir Of

John Hampden, and naturally eager to justify his lineage by his political career, has determined to join the Gladstonians, and the Gladstonians, who are just now depressed by......

The Attempt Made By The Anti-parnellities To Out - Herod'...

by starting a new land agitation, does not seem to be succeeding. It is not, however, for want of violent speaking, as may be seen in a speech on the subject of land- grabbing,......

Sir E. Clarke Spoke At Plymouth On Thursday, And Began

by deploring the rise of a great military Power in the East, which seemed likely to extend to Asia the overgrown arma- ments which we find so heavy a burden in the West. Sir E.......