5 JANUARY 1895, page 11

'the Government Of New York State And The New Mayor

of New York appear determined to cleanse the administration of the great city, if they can. An honest Recorder has already been appointed, two leading men in the police have......

• The Death Of The Maharaja Of Mysore From Diphtheria

is really a misfortune to his territory. The representative of the ancient House which preceded the usurper Hyder Ali, the Maharaja has exhibited genuine capacity for......

There Is No Peerage Among The Honours Gazetted On New

Year's Day, Lord Rosebery apparently fearing that if he translated any supporter to the Upper House, his resolution to deal with that House in the true Radical, spirit might be......

We Sincerely Regret To Report The Death On Saturday Last

of Miss Christina Rossetti, the best probably of our women poets since Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and the youngest of a family distinguished by great literary and artistic......

Mr. Cremer Has Started For America With A Memorial In

favour of a treaty of Arbitration between this country and the States signed by three hundred and fifty-four Members of the House of Commons—i.e., considerably more than half......

The Times Of Tuesday Publishes A Letter From Alderman Ben

Tillett in which the dockers' leader reiterates his state- ments about the unemployed, and repeats that Collectivism is the only cure for the miseries of poverty. We have dealt......

Few London Fires Of Recent Years Have Been Attended Wit'i

so great a loss of life as that which took place in the Edgware Road early on Wednesday morning—i.e., a little after 1 o'clock —on the premises of Madame Martin, a French......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

New Consols (21-) were on Friday, 104.......