5 JANUARY 1895, page 25


VENETIAN ART AT THE NEW GALLERY. No visitor who is frank with himself will pretend in one or even several visits to have seen all the pictures now hung at the New Gallery, nor......

A Dog-story.

[To TH1 EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—The following history of canine sympathy may interest your readers. I was once the happy owner of a large and beauti- ful......

"the Absurd Word Zebu."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — In the Spectator of December 29th, the writer of the very interesting article on "Wild-Cattle Breeding at the Zoo," uses the word "......


BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING-DAY. (SUGGESTED BY MARTIAL, IX. 53.) On happy day that gave me this fair life ! Oh happier day that gave me thee, sweet wife ! I know not which would more......


NOT till life's heat has cooled, The headlong rush slowed to a quiet pace, And every purblind passion that had ruled Our noisier years, at last, Spurs us in vain, and, weary of......