5 JANUARY 1895, page 34

Hogarth's Works. (j. Dicks.)—we Have Here Nearly Seventy...

Hogarth's most famous pictures reproduced. (We do not see, by the way, the most famous of all, "The March to Finchley.") Some of them, on the other hand, are but rarely seen,......

The Magazines.

CANON MACCOLL has the place of honour in the Con- temporary Review with an article the drift of which is that England and Russia should strike up a friendly alliance, and above......

Lord Amherst. By Anne Thackeray Ritchie And Richardson...

Press.)—Lord Amherst was certainly not conspicuous among the "Rulers of India," as far as personal abilities were concerned. As an administrator of internal govern- ment he was......

Current Literature.

The Administration of the Marquis of Lansdowne. By George W. Forrest, B.A. (Office of Superintendent of Government Printing, Calcutta.)—A useful volume this, if only to show the......

The Phormio Of Terence Translated Into English Prose. By M.

II. Morgan. (Cambridge, U.S.)—This is in every respect a scholarly production. The volume itself has a classical air about it. Professor Greenough, his name happily metamor-......