5 JANUARY 1895, Page 10

United Ireland is doing its best to disprove the theory

of' the "Union of Hearts," and to bear out the remark made by Mr. Sexton in 1881 (at Dublin, on October 14th),—namely, that the "one prevailing and unchangeable passion between Ireland and England is the passion of bate." On December 22nd, 1894, it wrote apropos of the statement that the new- Czar was sympathetic towards this country :—" The new' Czar is not by any means, we are told, friendly to England. If this be so, we wish him a happy Christmas, and hope his shadow will never grow less." This reminds one of the old, days, when the same paper wrote, in a leading article of April 4th, 1885:—" An Indian rising would mark the first success. of the Russian arms on the frontier. An Irish rising would burst forth on the first signal from a French war-ship. .A_ French diversion in Canada would cause the insurrection. which Riel has stirred up among the French half-breeds in the far North-West to spread into a conflagration, which, would probably raise the French of Lower Canada in arms ; and the power of the Dominion Government to cope with such an emergency would not be augmented by the Irish- American raids across the frontier."