5 JANUARY 1895, Page 3





ji CADEMY Dinner, Lord Rosebery at the ... 638

It Anton, Lord, his First Lecture ... 814 Address, the Tone of the Last Debate on the ... 253 Agnosticism. Mr. Spencer's ... 782 Agricultural Distress, the Liberal Remedy for... 677 Albrecht, the Archduke 261 Alderley, Lady Stanley of ... 259 Ameer's Son, the ... 740 America, Mr. J. Burns on ... ... 77 Amy Gregory, the Case of ... ... 459 Animal Etiquette ... 293 784 Animals, the Emotion of Grief in 817 Apologists for the Government, the 521 Archbishops, the, and Voluntary Schools ... 813 Ai mill, Duke of, Illness of ... 75 — — on Lord Rosebery ... 153 Armenian Question, the ... 642-674-709-776 " Auri Sacra Fames" ... 226 Authority, Mr. Balfour on ... ... 192

" BACKWATER of Life," Mr. 3. Payn on the 608 .11 Balfour, Mr. A. T. ... 220 Balfour, Mr. A. J., and his Political Schooling... 351

— — and the Nation... ... 74 — — on Authority ... 192 — — on the Religions Aspects of Beauty ... 227 — — on the Unionism of the Future 602 Baltic Canal, the ... 743-809-840 Beauty, Mr. Balfour on the Religious Aspects of 227 Belgian Poisoner, Trial of the (Madame Jonianx) 193 Bible, the Literary Aspects of the ••• 894 Bimetallism, the Danger of ... ••• 289 Bird-Life in Spring ... ••• 531 Bird-Songs in Spring ••• 645 Birds, Omens from ... ••• 47 Birrell, Mr., on Endowments ... ••• 454 Birthday Honours, the ••• 747 Boasting, the Superstition about ... ••• 356 Body, the Resurrection of the ... ••• 159 "Breaking Out" ••• 575 Brotherless Women ... ••• 644 Bucklamd, Frank, Our Debt to ... ••• 129 Budget, an Irish ••• 600 Burns, Mr. J., on America ... 77

CABINET, the New ... ... 889

Camel Transport, the Limits of 497 Cope. the New Governor of the ... 285 Cesimir-Pdrier, M.. the Position of 43 — — the Resignation of ... ... 72 Cats, Mr. Lydekker on ... ... _ 610 Chamberlain, Mr., the Dead-Set againat... 416 — — and the Government of London ... 190 — — his Position ... ... ... ... 491 — — his Scheme for Old-Age Pensions ... 8 — — on the Liberal Unionists ... ... ... 710 453 Character, Sudden Changes Of ... ... 527 Charity Commission, the ... ... ... 573 Charm of Rank, the ... ... ... ... 160 Chester, the Bishop of, and the Times ... ... 78 Childhood, Miss Fry on ... ... ... ... 423 China, the Remaining Chances of ... ... 254

Chiswick Eyot ... ... — ... ••• ...390

Chitral, the Expedition to ... ... ... 417-520.778 Church Congress, the Next ... ... .. ... 779 — Defence Meeting, the ... ... — ... 322 Clerical Magistrates ... ... ... ... ... 80 Cleveland, Mr., the Lesson of his Message ... 156 Coburg Pension, the Debate on the ... -. 640 Commander-in-Chief, the ... ... ... 524.571 Commons, Peers in the ... ... ... ... 710

— the Future of the House Of ... ... ... 810

Consciousness, Dual ... ... ... ..• Consols at 106 ... ... ... ... ... ... 676 Constantinople, the News from ... ... ... 776 Continental Danger, the True ... ... ... 321 Converts and Proselytes ... ... ...

Convivial Gladstonians. the— ... ... ... 837 Convocation and the Voluntary Schools.-

Core of Hindooism. the ... ... ... ... 11 Corruption in the Press, a Defence of the ... 256 Cotton-Duties in India, the Division on the... 252 Cotumillors and Contractors... — ••• _ 606 County Council Election, the Court Dress at the Speaker's Lev6es ... ... 610 Cost of State Aid in Education ... ...

Orasli, the ... 883 Cromwellians, the True Political ...

Currency Danger, the... ... ... 841

J)ALZIEL, Mr., and Second Ballots ... ... 494 Danger, the True Continental 821 Death, Getting Rid of ... 460 Decay of the Giant Degeneration Beasts, the ... ... 849

cte Shading, the Poetry of ... ... 260 Democracy and War ... ... 382 Depression, One Cause of the ... 224 Devonshire, the Duke of, on the Two Parties ... 122 Dickens the Superfine View of ... 127 Disestabllshmeut in Wales ... 296 Disestablishment. Mr. George Russell on Disruption and Establishment Dissolution? Will there be a ... 4-184 Dream of Alderman Mika, the Dress and Dignity 610

Dropping to Pieces ••• 740 Dry-Rot of States, the .•• 5 Dual Consciousness ••• 355 Dapny, M., the Fall of ... -•• 73

MIARLY Rising, the Wisdom of... ...

..U.1 Education Question. Side-Lights on the ... Effect of the English Crisis Abroad Emotion of Grief in Animals, the ...

Egypt, a Chancellor for ...

Endowments, Mr. Birrell on ...

EnglishCrisis Abroad, the Effect of the... ...

Establishment and Disruption Etiquette of Animals Expenditure of Mr. Vanderbilt, the "Extinctien" of the French Presidency, the ...

MIAOT and Fiction 12 Far East, Intervention in the ... Far East, the New Disturbance in the ... — — the New Incident in the ...

Farming. the Charm of ...

Faure, 31, and his Ministers ... Fiction and Fact Figure-Skating, the Charm of ... Folk-Speech Forecast, the, and the Severe Weather ... Forlorn Hope of the Government, the ... France and Great Britain ...

— the Uneasiness in ... .r.

French Church, the New Grievance of the ...

— Presidency, the "Extinction" of the... ...

— President, Resignation of the ... — Frenchman, an Eminent, on Science and Religion Fry, Miss, on Childhood ...

Funeral Formalities ... •••

GERMAN Emperor's Defeat, the 673

Germany, the "Kanitz Plan" in 353 Giant Beasts, the Decay of the ... 849 Giraffe, the New ... Gladness, Praying for Gladstone, Mr., his Visit to Kiel ...

— — on Secular Stalies "Gladstonian Remnant, a" Gladatonians, the Convivial... ...

Glorifying the Slipshod Life ... Government, the Apologists for the ... — the Forlorn Hope of the ... 5 — the, and the People ... ... 777 — the, Why it Hangs on ... 601 Grace, Dr. W. G., and the Prince of Wales ... 783 Great Britain and France ... 452 Grievances which Require to be Tolerated, the 256 Guardians, the New Circular to ... 158 Gully, Mr., Elected Speaker... ... 488

HALIFAX, Lord, his Divorce Bill ... 745

Hanotaux, M., and the Franco-Russian Alliance 812 Harcourt, Sir William, Breaks Silence ... 120 — — and the Surplus 40 — — his Light Heart ... 221

— — his New Veto Bill 459

— — his Political Career ... ... 890 — — in the City ... ... 711 Hardie, Mr. Keir, and his Party 525 Haroun, the Pinchbeck ... ... 319 Haldane, Mr., his Sedative for Nervous Glad- stomans „, Healy. Mr., the Revolt of ... ... 42 Hereford, the New Bishop of ... ... 189 — — on Welsh Diaestablishment ... 675 High Constable for England, a ... ... 891 Hindooism, the Core of ... ... 11 Hobby, the Value of a... ...

Horseless Carriages ... 812 Humonrists, Our Statesmen as ...

T OE on the "London River"

India. the Chance of Change in Indian Cotton•Duties, the Division on the Influenza, the ...

Insolence and Insult ...

Insult and Insolence ...

Intemperance in Tea ... Intestates and their Property ... Irish Church, Lord Salisbury and the ... —Laud Bill, the ...

— People, the, and the Unionists Irishmen, the Memories of ...

TABEZ BA.LFOUR, Arrest of ... 493 tl Japan and Russia ... 563-636 Japanese Terms of Peace, the ... 350-492-522 Jester, the Public ... _ 389 Jockey Club Prosecution, the ... 258 Joint-Stock System, the Dry-Rot of the ... 191

KAMER, the, and the Reichstag _ 421 .1‘ " Kanitz Plan" in Germany, the ... 353

Keir Hardie, Mr, and his Party 525 388 816 992 817 287 454 892 746 385 293 128 154 530 380 605 809 680 120 530 262 49.5 161 5 452 187 714 154 72 126 423 715 ... 228 716 ... 324 ... 79 ... 13 ... 12 490 ... 455 ... 155

Kew Gardens in May ... 6

Khedive, the, and his Ministers ... 2F2 Kiel, the Celebrations at ... 74a-him-840

LADZES' Settlements ... 133 Land Won from the Sea

Leaminaton Quarrel, the ... 381 Liberal Remedy for Agricultural Distress 677 — Unionists, Mr. Chamberlain on the ... ... 710 Life-Boat Work, a Ytar's 425 Lilly, Mr., on D:ckens ... 127 Literary Aspects of the Bible, the .. 894 Loan, a Naval ... 76 London, Mr. Chamberlain on the Government of 190 — County Council Election, the 284-316 .48 641 185 153 — Wood.Pigeonf. the... ...

Lords in the Commons ...

— the Three Leaders in the ... Lower Classes. the Radical Idea of the ...

15 ANCH ESTER versus India IV.1 Martineau, Dr.... ...

Masks and Faces ...

Maw acre of Port Arthur, the Members, the Payment of Memories of Irishmen, the ... Mid-Norfolk and Oxford ... — — the Revolt in Migration, the Mystery of ... Monopolies and Revenue ... Morley, Mr.: his Avowals ...

— — his Proposals ...

11LTASIRULLAH Khan ... •••

1. National Defence, Taking Stock in ... National Relics (Sir J. Franklin's 50th Anniv.) Naval Debate, the ...

— Policy of Lord Spencer, the Negro Sultan, a Nervous Gladatonians, Mr. Haldane's Sedative for New Alliance, the ... ..• Nile, the Upper...

nITIOIAL Trustee, an Old - Age Pensions, Mr. Chamberlain's

Omens from Birds Opium and Hemp, the Reports on... ... Oxford and Mid-Norfolk I'DAYMENT of Members, the ... 2-418

▪ Payn, Mr- on the "Backwater of Life" 608

Peel, Mr., his Resignation of tho Speakership... 348 Peers in the Commons 710 777 424 319 604 260 44 298 570 41 462 387 256 783 290 389 ▪ ADIC AL Idea of the Lower Classes, the ...

IL Radicalism, the True Antidote tor Rank, the Charm of ...

Readers, Mr. L. Stephen's Advice to ...

Be-domestication of the African Elephant ...

Reichstag and the Kaiser, the ...

Resurrection of the Body, the ...

Revolt in Mid-Norfolk, the ... Rhodes, Mr.. on England ...

Robinson, Sir H., his Appointment to the Cape

Rosebery. Lord, at the Academy Dinner ... - - his Failure

— — his Political Development ... — — the Duke of Argyll on ..„ Royal Commissions as They Are and as They 457 Russell, Mr. George, on Disestablshment 420 Russia and Japan ... 568-636 — tne New Departure in 9 Russian Policy in the Far East ALISBURY. Lord, at Bradford ...

-- and the Irish Church ... Sand-Hills by the Sea, the ...

Scandinavian Crisit, the ... Sea, Land Won from the ... Sea-Fowl and the Storm ... Science and Religion, an Eminent Frenehman on Second Ballots Mr. Dalziel and ... Semler Studies, Mr. Gladstone on Selborne, Lord, and the Commons Sentiment and Sapultare ••• Sepulture and Sentiment Shabbiness, the Luxury of _ ••• Shore-Birds' Nests in Beading Harbour Silver, Mr. Balfour on 42 574 648 41 233 843 569 186 681 843 742 317 740 419 717 348 76 390 744 7 84.2 334 352 8 47 570 569 People, the, and the Government... ...

Petty Superstitions, the Evil of ...

Pinchbeck Haroun, the ...

Plural Voting Poetry of Delicate Shading, the ... Political Screaming, the Disadvantage of — Superstition, the Inconvenience of ... Pope's Letter to Englishmen. the Port Arthur, the Massacre of Practice and Theory ... ..„ Praying /or Gladness ... Press, a Defence of the Corruption in the Prince, the, and the Cricketer Proselytes and Converts ... Public Jester, the 152 743 160 292 461.

421 159 186 125 285 638 888 121 153 708 490 357 422 14 81 126 494 529 674 639 46 46 48 576 458 Skating (Figure), the Charm of ... Slipshod Life. Glorifying the ... Smiles, Varieties in ...

Snooze or a See-Saw, a P Social Reform and the Unionists ... Sorrows of the Stupid, the ...

Spain, the Latest Incident in Speekership, Mr. Peel's Resignation c.f the Speaker, the New ... Spencer, Lord, his Naval Policy ...

— Mr., his Agnosticism Split within the Split. the ... Stephen, Mr. Leslie, hie Advice to Readers Supirstition, the Boasting about — the Inconvenience of Political Superstitions, the Evil of Petty ... Stanley. Lacier, of Alderley State Aid in Education, the Cost of ...

Statesmen, Our, as Humourists Storm in a Tea-cup, the ... ••• stupid, the Sorrows of the ... Suicide, Sympathy in ...

Surplus, the, and Sir W. Harcourt ...

MAKING Stock in National Defence ... 1. Tea, Intemperance in ... Temple Gardens Plower Show, the ...

Theory and Practice ... . Three Leaders in the Lords, the ... Thin-Skinned Democracy Tillett, Mr. Alderman, his Dream... ... Tone of the Last Debate on the Address, the ...

Trade, Mr. Chamberlain on... ...

Two e lect ions, the (Walworth and West Dorset) Two Patties, the Duke of Devonshire on the ...

UNEMPLOYED, the Committee on the ... Unionism of the Future, Mr. Balfour on the Unionists and the Irish People, the ...

— the, and Social Reform ...

" Unteachable" Teacher, an ...

NTAL1TE of a Hobby, the ... V Vanderbilt, Mr., his Expenditure ... Veto Bill, Sir William Harcourt's New ...

Voluntary schools, the, and Convocation ...

— — a nd the Archbishops ...

WAR and Demneracy ••• Warning of Weishai.wei, the ... Watson, Mr., his New Poem ... ••• Weather, the Severe, and the Forecasts...

Wei-hai-wei, the Warning of... ... Welsh Disesteblishment — — the Bishop of Hereford on

Will ems, Mr. Justice Vaughan, the Scare as to his Removal ...

Women-Worke-s "Written Gestures" ... ... 262 ... 317 ... 124 ... 897 ... 386 348.3E3 ... 320 ••• 782 ••• 188 ••• 292 ••• 356 ••• 288 ••• 424 ••• 259 ..• 893 ••• 496 • .• 603 • .• 523 ••• 897 ••• 847 40

• • • • • • • • -•

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

419 11 749 462 185 418 10 253 453 781 672 122 354 602 155 124 815 296 128 489 225 el3 3=2 222 607 161 222 2£6 675 156 713 323 818 500 265 900 648 198 464 533 50 578 18 295 393 819 17

ZOO, the, from the Animals' Point of View ... 194

Hodge in the Saddle ...

Lamb, Charles, at Enfield (A. St. John Adcock) Manhood (A. St. John Adcock) ... Minuet-Dancer, the (Alfred Cochrane) ...

On a History of Ireland (Be J. Alexander) ... On Beeeiving a Prospectus of the Snowdon Summit Railway and Hotel (Alfred Hayes) ...

Serenade (May Byron) ...

Song (William Watson) Thecoritus in Fleet Street ...

To a Lark Singing in the Black Country (Wray To Humphrey: an Infant of Quality (Alfred To the Freedman (John B. Tabb)... Truth Wheat and Clover (Charles Kennett Barrow) ... Without Him (Edith Rutter) ••• POETRY.

Birth-Day and Wedding-Day (E. S. Shuckburgb) Bradfield, at (Joseph Truman) ...

Farewell, a: E. S. Pigott, Yet ruary 23rd, 1895 852 294 464 133 17 752 231 786 327 Old Masters, the ... Old Water-Colour Society, the, and other Exhibitions ...

Quilter, Mr. H., his Exhibition of Pietures at the Dudley Gallery... ...

Recent Exhibitions (March 2nd, 1895) Royal Institute, the, and the Painter-Etchers...

Statuette, a, and Some Pictures ... Venetisa Art at the New Gallery ... ART.

Academy, the Royal ... 618-683-719-753 Grafton Gallery, the ... 231 New Gallery, the—As It Is and As It Night Be 613 BOOKS—Authors.

A _DA118, Mrs. L.—Colour-Sergeant, No. I i_ Adams, W. M.—The House of the Hidden Places Allen, A. V. G.—Religions Progress ... ••• — Grant—The Woman Who Did ••• — — Under Sealed Orders ... ••• Andrews, W.—Curious Church Customs... ••• Apthorp, W. F.—Music and Music-Lovers ••• Archer, T. A.—The Crusades ... ••• Armstrong, W.—W. Q. Orcbardson ••• Ashley, W. J.—Adam Smith ... ••• Anbyn, A. SL—The Tremlett Diamonds ...

BAINES, F. E.—The Inner Life of the Post- 011ice Bain, R. N.—Guatavas TM& his Contemporaries

137 430 857 431 584 551 9C2 688 536 503 722 204 ee Baldry. A. L.—Albert Moore ... 470 Balfour, A. J.—The Foundations of Belief 296-327 Barker, E. H.—Two Summers in Guyenne ... 689 Barlow, Miss—Manreen's Fairing, and other 789 Barrett, C. B. B.--Surrey Highways 855 Beale, Mrs. U. H.—Catherine Hutton and her

Beezley, C. B..—Prince Henry the.H.aviga.to. r 7155°4


Beeching, H. 0.—In a Garden. and other Poems 400 Beesly, A. 11.—Ballads, and other Verse... 400 Bell, Mrs. 11.—The Story of Ursula ... Benson, A. C.—Lyrics 505 — Margaret—Subject to Vanity 399 Besant, Walter—Beyond the Dreams of Avarice 616 Blennerhassett, Ledy—Talleyrand Bosanquet, B.—A History of ...Esthetics ... 555 — — Ed. by—Aspects of the Social Problem ... 687 Bose, Pramatha N.—Hindu Civilisation during British Rule ••• ••• Bower, Capt. II.—Diary of a Journey across Tibet 105 Boyd, Dr. ("A. K. H. B.")—St. Andrews and Boyle, Dean—The Recollections of Bridges, .7. 1—Myrtle and Ivy ... Brooks, G.—Industry and Property, Vol. IL ... — N.—Abraham Lincoln Brown, H. F.—John Addington Symonds a Bryant, Marguerite—A Great Responsibility ... Buller, H. F.—A Bachelor's Family ••• Burgess, G., ed. by—The Love-Letters of Mr. H.

Burke, W. R.—A. History of Spain Butler, A. J.—The Letters of Cavour

CAMBRIDGE, Ada—Fidelis Cameron, Mrs. L.—A Bad Lot ... Campbell, C. F.—Letters from Sebastopol

— L.—Plato's Republic ...

Carmichael, H.—Rooted in Dishonour ... Chesson, W. H.—Name this Child...

Church, Mary 0.—The Life and Letters of Dean Church, Prof. A. J.—The Historical and Politi- cal Odes of Horace Church, S. H.—Oliver Cromwell: a History ... Clem, M. E. Le—A Bootless Mane Coleridge, E. H., ed. by—The Letters of Coleridge (First Notice) ...

"Colin flout. M."—The Curse of Intellect ... Collins, Churton—Essays and Studies Cotterell, G —Poems : Old and New ...

Couch, Quiller—The Golden Pomp ... Cousins, W. E.—Madagascar of To.day Cranford, F. Marion—The Ralston, Cromarty, Deas—This Man's Dominion ... Cross, Margaret B.—Newly Fashioned ... Coming, E. D.—In the Shadow of the Pagoda... Curtin, .T.—Hero•Tales of Ireland... 7111 556 787 906 824 873


584 722 856 331 134 506 722 268 533 265 552 5.5 363 199 35 901 467 465 139 330 579 268 168 722 236 502 17 Belle, V.—Sheep or Goats ? Denham, Emily .1.—A Woman's Love-Lesson ... Dennis. John—The Ace of Pope Dent, It. R.—The Making of Birmingham Dixon, C.—The Migration of British Birds... Dobeli, B., ed. by—Poetical Works of James Donovan, C. H. W.—With Wilson in 3latabele- laud Bowden, E.—New Studies in Literature— ... Doyle, Conan—Round the Red Lamp ... Drummond, J.—Via, Veritss, Vita: Hibbert

GERARD, Frances—Irish Beauties of the Last Century ... ••• Gilbert, Dr. Gustav—Constitutional Antiquities

of Straits and Athens ... ..• Gissing, G.—In the Year of Jubilee Godfrey, Elizabeth—Cornish Diamonds Gomme, G. L., ed. by—British Folklore ...

Gordon, Mrs.—Life of Dean Backland Gosse, E.—In Russet and Silver Grahame, G.—Claude Lorrain ...

Graves, A. P., ed. by—The Irish Song-Book ... TNASENT, J. R., ed. by—Acts of the Privy

Council of England. Vol. IX. ... 267 (!. H, S., ed. by—The Egyptian Book of

430 137 431 53 266 681 362 364 822 238 365 MIDGE WORTH, Maria—Castle Rackrent and _.U2 The Absentee ... 500 Erman, A.—Life in Ancient Egypt ... ••• 538 Eecott, T. H. 8.—Lord Randolph Churchill ... 751 "VENN, G. M.—The Queen's Scarlet 552 12 Firth, C. H., ed. by—The Clarke Papers ... 651 Fitzldaurice, Lord E.—The Life of Sir William 614 Fitz-Patrick, W. S.—The Life of Father Burke 22 Foster-Melliar, A.—The Book of the Rose ... 56 Fraser, Marie—In Stevenson's Samoa ... 853 Frazer, J. G.—Paseages of the Bible ... 894 Froude, J. A.—English Seamen in the Sixteenth 874 Fry, Isabel—Uninitiated ... ••• 423 858 205 268 300 504 23 536 651

HADOW, W. IL—Studies in Modern Music ... 581 Harper, C. G.—The Portsmouth Road ... 855

Harris, W. B.—Danovitch 552 Harrison, F.—The Meaning of 71 istory ... 108 Hatton, J.—The Benishment of Jessop Blythe 584 Haynes, Capt. A E.—Man-Hunting in the Desert 236 Hill, G. B.—Harvard College by an Oxonian ... 237 Hissey, J. J.—Through Ten English Counties... 619 Hodder, IL—The Life of John Macgregor ("Rob Hodges, Elizabeth—Some Ancient English Homes 855 Hodgson, W. E.—Haunted by Posterity ... 722 Howell, E. C.—The Minor Tactics of Chess ... 756 Hungerford, Mrs.—The Three Graces ... 906 Hutton, W. H.—Life of William Laud ... 395 Hyde, D.—The Story of Early Gaelic Literature 502

TACOBS, J.—Spanish Jewish History ... ei Johnson. H. H.—The River Congo ...

— R. B.—Popnlar British Ballads ... Jones, B.—Co-operative Production ...

— H. S.—Greek Sculpture ... ••• ... 331 ... 579 ... 271 5)2 ... 759 BANE, H.—Stanford's Compendium of Kettle, J. S.—The Partition of Africa Kingsford. O. L.—The Crusades Kitchin, G. W.—Life of Bishop Harold Browne

MACAULAY, G. C., ed. by—The Chronicles of Froissart MacColl, Canon—Life Here and Hereafter ...

— — The Armenian Atrocities . Maolaren, Ian—Beside the BonnieBrier-Bosh... MacLeod, H. D.— Rimetallism Maitland, F. W.—The History of English Law... Mellock, W. IL—Studies of Contemporary Super- Malortte. Baron de—Here, There, and Every- Malot, H.—Her Own Folk ...

Martineau, 3.—Life of Sir Bartle Frees Marzials, F. T.—Passages from Froiesart Maspdro, G.—Histoire Ancienne des Penples d'Grient Claseique Maspdro, G.—The Dawn of Civilisation Maugrae, G.—The Doc de Lanzun Meredith, George, Stories by —Ward &Lock (pub.) Mint°, the late W.—The Literature of the Georgian Era Mommsen, T.—The History of Rome Monnier, Abbd L. la—Francis of Assisi ... Moore, 1L—Tatte Is Opere di Dante Alighted ... — F.—Two in the Bush Morris, W. O'Connor—Memories and Thoughts ofaLife Morrison, A.—Tales of Mean Streets ... Murray, D.—Sir Samuel Baker ... — H.—A Man of Genius ... Jewett, the late Peofeesor—Plato's Republic ... 265 Jusserand, J. J.—A Literary History of the English People ... 366 579 579 688 361

LANDOR, A. H. F.—Alone with the Hairy Aim' 107 Lang, A.—Border Ballads ... 271 Langhton, Capt. ed. by—The Story of the

Armada, Vols. land IT. ... 649 Leffler, Mine. A. Ch.—Sophie Kovalewsky 656 Lehmann, IL—An Artist's Reminiscences ... 270 Lennard, Major—The Camel : its Uses and 497 Lester, H. L.--Qneen of the Hamlet ... 137 Liddon, H. P.—Life of Edward Bouverie Pttsey, D.D., Vol. III. ...

Linton, Mrs. E. L.—In Haste and at Leisure ... 584 Lucas, Mrs. 11.—Songs of Zion ... 135 — 0. P.—Historical Geography of the British Colonies, Vol. III., West Africa 301 Lyall, Edna—Doreen... 234 Lysons, Gen.—The Crimean War from First to 757 466 84 726 299 136 534 859 201 137 394 466

430 430 SSO 786

tEl 233 652 506 552 433 3e11 579 268 906 290 380 427 906 168

NEEDELL, Mrs.—The Vengeance of James Vansittart Norden, Max—Degeneration Norman, H.—The Far East...

— — The People and Politics of the Far East... Not ris, W. E.—The Despotic Lady and Others... Norton, Lord—Socialism

je.N MAN, J. C.—The Great Indian Epics ... 875

Owen, IL—Life of Sir Richard Owen ... 57

PARKIN, G.—The Great Dominion ... 537 Parry, 0. 0.—Six Months in a Syrian Monastery ... 724 Pennell, J.—Pen Drawing and Pen Draughts-

Petrie, W. AI. F., ed. by—Egyptian Tales ... 430 Pnilips, F. C.—Mra. Bouvene ... 431 Pickard, 8.—The Life of J. G. Whittier... ... 760 Pollock, Sir F.—The Flistory of English Law ... 534 Price, Miss S. C.—In the Lion's Mouth ... ... 137 Prows% D. W.—A History of Newfoundland ... 904 De AB. J.—Life of Adam Smith ... 503

lb Rea, Alice—Dalefolk... ... 616 Rendu, A.—The Jewish Race in Ancient and Roman Hi' tory Ritchie, L. E.—Crying for the Light 33 t 2682

Roberts, Lord—The Rise of Wellington... ... 721 Rodway, .L—In the Guiana Forest ... ... 905 Rogers, R. C.—The Wind in the Clearing, &e.

Ropes, 3. 0.—The Story of the American Civil

War 7.C3 Russell, Sir W. 11.—The Invasion of the Crimea 533

— W. Clark—The Convict Ship ... 906 791 — — The Good Ship ` Mohocle 268 — — The Phantom Death ... 431 AINTSBURY, G.—Corrected Impressions ... Savage-Landor, A. H.—Corea or Cho-sen... Scott, Hon. Mrs. M.—The Tragedy of Fotheringay Sergeant, Adeline—Dr. Endicott's Experiment — — Kitty Holden Shand, A. I.—Life of Sir E. Hamley Sheppard, E.—Memoriala of St. James's Palace Sherard, R. H.—Alphonse Daudet... ... Simpkinson, C. IL—Life of William Laud Sladen, D.—On the Cars ind Off Smalley, G. W.—Studies of Men ... Smith, J. T.—Nollekens and his Times ... Southey, R.—English Seamen Speight, T. W.—The Giey Monk Spender, Mrs. J. K.—A Modern Quixote Spinner, Stsepoole, H. De Vera—The Intended ... Steel, Mrs. Flora A.—Tales of the Punjab Steele, R.—The Story of Alexander ... etephen, 0. L., ed. by—Sir Victor Brooke Stephens, Dean—Life of E. A. Freeman... ... Lieut.-OoL A.—The Highland Brigade in the Stern, A.—Geschichte Enropa's von 1815 his 1871, Stevens, C. E.—The Sources and Constitution oc the United States ... 169 Stevenson, the late It. L.—Vol. II., Travels and Excursions Story, A. T.—James Holmes and John Varley... Strachey, Sir E.—Talk at a Country-House 790 468 686 685 137 431 819 398 725 395 537 823 202 874 431 137 584 .581 653 536 85 720 757 876 165 202 MABB, 3. B.—Poems 260 Tabley, Lord De—Dramatic and Lyrical Poems ._ 617 Thatcher, F.—The Holy Estate _ 506 Thomson, B.—Diversions of a Prime Minister... 434 Thorlmns, S. S.—Asiatic Neighbours ... ... 20 Trask, Katrina—Sonnets and Lyrics 790 Tyrrell, B. Y.—Latin Poetry ... 903

-TTALLINGS, H.—A. Parson at Bay „.. 552

V Verney, Margaret AL—Memoirs of the Verney Family, Vol. ILL ... 397

WALLIS, J. E. P.—State Trials, Vol. VI. ... E90 Warner, C. D.—The Golden House ... 234 Warren, Kate M., Introd.by—Lanaland's Vision

of Piers the Plowman 96; Weyman, B. T.—My Lady Rothe 431 White, A. S.—Sir Samuel Baker ... 579 Wilkins, H.—The Holy Estate ._ .906 Wilkinson, S.—The Command of the Sea ... 557 — — The Great Alternative 298 Woodgate, W. B.—Tandem 906 Woollam, W.—The Friends of Innisheen ... 55 Wright, T.—The Life of Daniel Defoe ... 21 "(TEATS, W. B., Ittrod. by—A. Book of Irish _L Verse — ... 502 Young, F. K.—The Minor Tactics of Chess ... 756 '• ZANONI "—Ibsen and the Drama 2E0 BOOKS—Subjects.

A BBAHAM Lincoln—N. Brooks ... 873 .31. Acts of the Privy Council of England,

Vol. IX.—Ed. by .T. R. Menet 267 Adam Smith—Ed. by W. J. Ashley 503 — — Life of—J. Rae... .' . 503 _Esthetics, a History of—B. Bosanquet 5.55 Africa, the Partition of—J'. 13. Keltie ... 579 Alexander, the Story of—R. Steele .- 536 .Alicanach Hachette, 1895—Hachette (pub.) ... 54 Alone with the Hairy Ainu—A. H. S. Landor ... 107 American Civil War, the,1861-65-3. C. Ropes.- 103 Archduke Charles, the Collected Works of—By his sons, Albrecht and Wilhelm._ ... 507 Armada, the Story of the—Ed. by Capt.

Laughton, Vols. I. and II. 649 Armenian Atrocities, the—Canon hfacioll ... 726 Artist's Reminiscences, an—R. Lehmann ... 270 Asiatic Neighbours—S. S. Thorburn ... 20 Aspects of the Social Problem—Ed. by B. Bossuouet 887

BAKER, Sir Samuel: a Memoir—D. Murray and A. S. White .. . 579 Ballads, Popular British—U. B. Janson ... 271

— and other Verse—A. H. Beesly.. 410

Bartle Frere, Sir, Life of—I. Martineau _94

Belief, the Foundations of—A. J. Balfour 296-327 Bimetallism—H. D MacLeod -. 136 Birmingham, the Making of—fl. R. Dent ... 266 Border Ballads—A. Lang ... 271

British Colonies, HistoricalIliregraphy of the,

Vol. III., West Africa—C. P. Lucas — 301 Brooke, Sir Victor : a Memoir—Ed. by 0. L.

Stephen.. 6.5 Browne, Harold', Life of, Bishop of Winchester—

G. W. Kitobin . . ... 361 Huckland, Dean, Life of—Mrs. Gordon .- 504 Burke, Father, the Lite of—W. S. FitzPatrick 22

CAMEL, the : its Uses and Management— Major Leunard ... 497 Catherine Hutton and her Friends—Mrs. C. H.

Beale Caveur, Count, and Madame tie eircourt —Trans.

by A. J. Butler.. . ... 134 Chess, the Minor Tactics of—F. K. Young and E. D. Howell — ... 756 Church Customs, env bius—W. Andrews ... 551 Church, Dean. the Life and Letters of—By his Daughter. Mary 0. Church

Churchill, Lord R.: a Monograph—T. H. S. Escott. ... 754

Clarke Papers, the—Ed. by e. H. Firth ... 654 Claude Lorrain—G. Grahame ... 536 Coleridge, the Letters of—Ed. by E. H. Cole- ridge (First Notice)._ ' 901 Command of the Sea, &c.—S. Wilkinson 557 Congo River, the—H. H. Johnson-. 579 Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens —Dr. Gustav G . ilbert 858 Co-operative Production—B. Jones ... 582 Corea or Cho-sen—A. H. Savage-Landor ... 686 Corrected Impressions—G. Saintsbary ... 468 Crimea, the Highland Brigade in the—Lieut.-

Col. A. Sterling .. _ ... 757 Crimea, the Invasion of—Sir W. B. Russell ... 533 Crimean War, the, from First to Last—Geu.

S. D. Lysons— .- 757 Crusades, the—T. A. Archer and 0. L. Kingsford 683

DANTE—A. J. Butler ... . 506

Daudet, Alphonse—i. Sherard ... 725 Dawn of Civilisation, the—G. Maspero ... 430 Defoe, the Life of—T. Wright ... 21

Degeneration—Max Nordau... - ... 290 Diversions of a Prime Minister, the—B. ihomson 434 EGYPT, Ancient, Life in—A. Erman 538 Egyptian Book of the Dead, the—Ed. by 0. H. S. Davis — 430

Egyptian Tales—Ed. by W. M. F. Petrie -. 430 English People, a Literary History of the—J. T.

Jusserand 366 Essays and Studies—Churton Collins ... 465

FAR East, the—H. Norman ... 380 Far East, Peoples and Politics of the—H. Finland of the Nineteenth Century --1. Stan-

ford (pub.) — .. 618 Folk-Lore, British, a Dictionary of—Ed. by G. L. Gomme, and collected by Alice B. Gomme 300 Fotheringay, the Tragedy of—Hon. Mrs. M.

Foundations of Belie?, 'the—A. J. liaifour '296327 Four American Universities—Harper Brothers Francis cit 'Assisi—Abg L. le Meunier 652

Freeman, E. A., Life of—Dean Stephens Froissart, the Chronicles of—Ed. by G. C. 720 466 Froissart, Passages from—F. T. Menials 466 330 1910 !37 81.5 754 ad 237 755


502 716 43O

History, the Meaning of : Essays—F. Harrison 103 Horace, the Historical and Political Odes of— Prof. A. I. °hutch ... 363 House of the Hidden Places, the—W. M. Adams 430 In a Garden, and other Poems—H. C. Beeching -IBSEN and the Drama= Zenoni"

Industry and Property, Vol. IL—G. Brooks 200 824 4(0 23 In Russet and Silver : Poems—E. Gosse...

In the Guiana Forest—J. Rodway... 905 In the Shadow of the Pagoda—E. D. Coming ... 235 Irish Beauties of the Last Century—Frances 791 651 Trish Song-Book, the—Ed. by A. P. Graves ...

— Verse, a Book of —Introd. by W. B. Yeats ... 502 JAMES Holmes and John Varley — A. T. Story Jewish Race, the, in Anoient and Roman History 532 LATIN Poetry—B. Y. Tyrrill Lend. William, Life of—W. H. Hutton ... 903 395 Land, William, Life of—C. H. Simpkinson 395

580 Leuze% the Due de—G. Maugras Law, English, the History of—Sir F. Polio= 534 and F. W. Maitland... ...

Life Here and Hereafter : Sermons—Canon 84 Literature of the Georgian Era, the—Late W. 133 Lyric.—A. C. Benson Lyrical and Dramatic Poems—Lord De Tabley 617 505 ACGREGOR, John (" Rob Roy"), the Life Madagascar of To.day—W. E. Cousins 579 Man-Hunting in the Desert—Capt. A. E. Haynes 236 - abeleland, with Wilson in—C. H. W. Donovan 364 Memories and Thoughts of a Life—W. O'Connor Migration of British Birds, the—e. Dixon ... 681 Moore, Albert—A. L. Baldry 470 Music and Music-Lovers—W. F. Apthorp ... 902 — Modern, Studies in, Second Series—W. H. ATEWFOUNDLAND, a History of—D. Prowse 901 .1_1 New Studies in Literature—E. Dowden ... 822 Nollekens and his Times—J. T. Smith ... ... 202 Novels, Stories, &c. :— — Bachelor's Family, a—H. F. Buller ... 722 — Bad Lot, a—Mrs. L. Cameron ... 268 — Banishment of Jessop Blythe—J. Hatton ... 584 — Beside the Bonnie Brier-Bush—Ian Ma.claren 299 — Beyond the Dreams of Avarice—Sir Walter — Bootless Bene, a—M. E. Le Clem 55 — Castle Rackrent and The Absentee—Maria — Colour-Sergeant, No. 1 Company—Mrs. L.

Adams — Convict Ship, the—W. Clark Russell ... 906

— Cornish Diamonds—Elizabeth Godfrey ... 268 — Crying for the Light—L. E. Ritchie ... 26€ — Curse of Intellect, the—"111. Colin Clout" ... 467 — Dalefolk—Alice Rea ... 6 l6 — Denovitoh—W. B. Harris ... ... 552 — Despotic Lady, the, and others—W. E. Norris 908 — Doreen—Edna Lyall 234 — Dr. Endicott's Experiment—Adeline Sergeant 137 — Fidelis—Ada Cambridge ... ... 722

— Friends of Innis]. Woollam 55

— Great Responsibility. a—Marguerite Bryant 584 — Grey Monk, the—T. W. Speight ... 431 — Golden House, the—C. D. Warner ... 234 — Good Ship • Mohock,' the—W. Clark Russell 268 — Haunted by Posterity—W. E. Hodgson ... 722 — Her Own Folk—H. Belot ... 137 — Holy Estate, the—W. H. Wilkins and F.

— In Haste anti at Leisure—Mrs. E. L. Linton 584 — Intended. the —H. De Vere Stacpoole... ... .584 — In the Lion's Month—Miss E. C. Price ... 137 — In the Year of Jubilee—G. Gissing 205 — Kitty Holden—Adeline Sergeant ... 431 — Love-Letters of Mr. H. and Miss R.—Ed. by — Luoilla—Alice Spinner ... ... 584 — Men of Genius, a—H. Murray ... 266 — Manreen's Fairing, and other Storie:—Miss — Meredith, George, Stories by—Ward and Lock — Modern Quixote, a—Mrs. J. K. Spender ... — Mrs. Bouverie—F. C. Philips — My Lady Rotha—S J. Wayman — Myrtle and Ivy—J. A. Bridges ...

— Name this Child—W. H. Chessou — New Note, a—Hutobinson and Co. (pub.) — Newly Fashioned—Margaret P. Oros — Parson at Bay, a—H. Vallings — Phantom Death, &o.—W. Clark Russell — Queen of the Hamlet—H. L. Lester — Queen's Scarlet, the—G. K. Fenn ... — Redstone, the—F. Marion Crawford ... — Rooted in Dishonour—H. Carmichael

GESCHICHTE Enropa's von 1815 his 1871,

Golden Pomp, the : English Lyrics—A. T. Quiller-Coucti Great Alternative, the—S. Wilkinson ...

— Dominion, the—G. Parkin ...

— Indian Epics, the—I. 0. Oman Greek Sculpture—H. S. Jones ... Gustavus IIL & his Contemporaries—R. N. Bain

HAMLEY, Life of Sir E.—A. I. Shand ... Harvard College—G. B. Hill ... Henry the Navigator—el. R. Beasley

Here, There, and Everywhere : Recollections— Baron de Malortie Hero-Tales of Ireland—I. Curtin

Hindu Civilisation during British Rule—

His toire Ancienne des Peoples WC/Ilene Classique 789 786 137 431 411 906 55 268 722 552 431 137 552 268 552

Maurice 614

Piers the Plowman. Langlaud's Vision of—In- trod, by Kate AL Warren ... 466 Plato's Republic—The late Prof. Jowett and

Ia. Campbell 265

Poems : Old and New—G. Cotterell ... 139 Poems—J. B. Tabb 260 Pope, the Age of—John Dennis 53 Portsmouth Road, the—C. G. Harper ... 855 Post Office, the Inner Life of the—F. E. Baines 2::04 Posey, Dr., Life of, Vol. III.—H. P. Liddon ... 429 RECOLLECTIONS of De an Boyle—E. Arnold

Himself Seamen, English: Howard, Clifford, Hawkins, SALA'S Life and Adventures—Written by Drake, Cavendish—R. Southey Seamen, English, in the Sixteenth Century— Sebastopol, Letters from, during the Siege— C. F. Campbell

Social.sm—Lord Norton ...

Some Ancient English Homes—Elizabeth Hodges Songs of Zion—Mrs. H. Lucas Sonnets and Lyrics—Katrina Trask ...

Sophie Kovalewsky—Mme. A. Ch. Leffler ... Spain, a History of—U. R. Burke ...

Spanish Jewish History—J. Jacobs ... St. Andrews and Elsewhere — Dr. Boyd 556 St. James's Palace, Memorials of—E. Sheppard 398 Stanford's Compendium of Geography & Travel, Vol. I.—A. B. Keane 579 State Trials, Vol. VL—Ed. by J. E. P. Wallis ... 690 Stevenson's Samoa, In—Marie Fraser ... ... 853 Story of Early Gaelic Literature—D. Hyde ... 502 Studies of Contemporary Superstition—W. H.

820 Studies of Men—G. W. Smalley ... 823 Subject to Vanity—Mergaret Benson _ 309 Surrey Highways—C. R. B. Barrett ... 855 Symonds, John Addington: a Biography—H. F. 83

Syrian Monastery, Fix Months in a-0. H. Parry 724 meta at a Country-House—Sir E. Strachey... 88

_L Talleyrand—Lady Blennerhaasett ... 232 Thomson, James, Poetical Works of—Ed. by B. 362 Through Ten English Counties—J. J. Flimsy ... 619 Tibet, Diary of a Journey Across—Capt. H.

105 Travels and Excursions—Vol. II. of the Works

of the late R. L. Stevenson. 165 Tette le Opere di Dante Alighveri—E. Moore ... 506

Two Summers in Guyenue—E. H. Bac ker ... 689

JTT NI NIT TATED—Isabel Fry _ 4.n United States, the Sources and Constitu- tion of the—C. E. Stevens ... 169

N /HENRY Family, Memoirs of the, Vol. III.— V Margaret M. Verney ... 397 Verse, Some Volumes of—Various... ... 106 Via, Veritas, Vita : Hibbert Lectures—J. Drum- 365

-vVr ELLINGTON, the Rise of—Lord Roberts 721 Whittier, 3.0., Life of-13. Pickard ... 760 Wind in the Clearing, &o. Poems—R- C. Rogers 790 CURRENT LITERATURE.

A DDISCOMBEr its Heroes and Men of Note

_a_ —H. M. Vibart ... 367 .ffineid of Virgil, the, I.-VI.—Ed. by T. E. Page 826 Alban, Henry, D.D.—W. H. Harwood ... ... 437 Amherst, Lord—Anne T. Ritchie and R. Evans 26 Amphigrus and the Ancestry of the Vertebrates Antiquary, the—Elliot Stock (pub.) ... 27-559 Argonantica of Valerins Fleeces, a Study of the Arms, the Book of Public—A. C. Fox-Davies and Astronomy, the Dawn of—J. N. Loclryer Australia, Tales of Crime in—H. A. White ...

— Western—A. F. Calvert ...

Antograph-Huntee, the Diversions of an—"J. H."

BELLS of Is, the—F. B. Meyer... ... 110 Bengal Manuscript Records—Sir W. W., 302

Book of Dress—Mrs. Douglas ... 140 Novels, Stories, &o. (continued) :-

- Rand the Red Lamp—A. Conan Doyle ...288

— Sheep or Goats 7.--V. Delle 137 — Story of Ursula, the—Mrs. H. Bell 722 — Tales of Mean Streets—A. Morrison 32 — Tales of the Punjab—Mrs. Flora A. Steel ... 653 876 — Tandem—W. B. Woodgate 506 — This Man's Dominion—fleas Cromarty ... 168 — Three Graces, the—Mrs. Hungerford... ... 906

— Tremlett Diamonds, the—A. St. Aubyn ... 722

— Two in the Bush—F. Moore ... 552 — Tinder Sealed Orders—Grant Allen ... 584 — Vengeance of James Vansittart—Mrs. J. H.

Neetiell 906

— Woman Who Did, tee—Grant Allen ... 431 — Woman's Love-Lesson, a—Emily J. Denham 431

OCE&N Steamships—John Murray (pub.) ... 553 Oliver Crowson: a History—S. 11. Church 199

On the Cars and Off—D. Slaclen 537 Orchardson, W. Q.—W. Armstrong 536 Owen, Sir Richard, Life of—By his Grandson,

H. Owen

57 ASSA.GES of the Bible—J. G. Frazer 894 Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen—J. Pennell ... Et25-854 Petty, Sir William, the Life of—Lord E. Fitz- 787 202 Religious Progress—A. V. (1. Allen 857 Rembrandt : Seventeen Photogravure Repro- ductions from the Cassel Gallery—W. Heine- 87 Rome, the History of—T. Mommsen ... 233 Rose, the Book of the—A. Foster-blelliar ... 56 Russia's March towards Icidia--Sampson Low 871 297 874 874 533 163 855 135 700 656 331 331 89 112 239 404 728 367

Book Prices Current, Vol. VIII.—Elliot Stock Books Received, &c. 60-336-401-07-475-510-541.536 -622-728763-795-860 Boy and the Angel, the—J. Byles... 403 Brassey, Lord, Papers and Addresses by—Long- 436

Britain's Naval Power—H. Williams 541 British Game-Birth and Wild-Fowl—B. B. Morris 692 MliSeIIIII, Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts, 1888-93 (for the Trustees) ... 303 British Birds, the Nests and Eggs of—C. Dixon 210

Brownies Around the World—F. Cox ... 336 Building of Character, the—J. R. Miller ... 509 Bnonaparte, Prince Lonia-Lucieu, Catalogue of Campaigns of Curiosity—Elizabeth L. Banks ... 140 Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ire- Cathay, a Corner of—Adele M. Fielde ... 239 Chapters from Some Memoirs—Anne T. Ritchie 402 Christus Imperator—Ed. by C. W. Stubbs ... 878 Church Histories—Various ... 27 Chambers's Concise Gazetteer of the World—W.

Chars on Invention—J. Martin ... 27 Chess, the Art of—J. Mason 882 Chinaman at Home, the—Trans. by R. H. Church Plate of the County of Northampton- Canada, History of—W. Kingsford ... 5S5

CAM HOS of Literature from Stsndard Authors Sherard 879 land, Vol. I., A-Ched—Cassell and Co. (pub.) 304

and R. Chambers (pub.) 304 —Warne and Co. (pub.) ... ... 401 826 Church Work—Bishop of Manchester 240 Cicero—J. L. Straoban-Davidson ... S59 Cloudland—W. C. Ley 879 Clyde to the Jorean, from the—H. Callan ... 403 Columbus, Christopher—Ed. by B. F. Stevens... 367 Commercial Geography—E. C. R. Gonner ... 585 Coridon's Song, and other Verses—Introd. by . . . .- 908 A. Dobson- - "

Cyclopfedia of Names,the—E 1. by B. 13:Smith 110 Cyprus, a Lady's Impressions of, in 1893—Mrs. DAYS in Thule with Rod and Gun—J. Bicker- dyke Directories, Books of Reference, &e. 59-140-303-304

.475.586-795 Disestablishment, some Aspects of—Ed. by H. C. Shuttleworth... ... 207 Dozy Hours, in the—Agnes Repplier ... 404 Drawing for Reproduction—C. G. Harper ... 140 Drummond of Hawthornden, Poems of—E& by lalARLY London Theatres—T. F. Ordish ... 908

▪ East Syrian Daily Offices—Trans. by A. J. Ecee Ancilla Domini—Elizabeth R. Charles ... 863 Edward Fitzgerald, Letters of—Ed. by W. A. Elocutionist, the New Standard—A. H. Miles... 402 English Literature for Secondary Schools—

J. L. Robert3on ... 109 English Men of Letters : Scott, Burns, and Coleridge—Macmillan and Co. (pub.) ... 858 English People, a Short History of the—Mrs. J. R. Green and Miss Kate Norgate, Vol. IV. 210 Evolution of Woman. the—Eliza B. Gamble ... 273 Expansion of South Africa, the—A. Wilmot ... 878

FISHERMAN'S Fancies, a—F. B. Doveton ... 881 Five Months' Sport in Somali Land—Lord

Wolverton ... 509 Five Thousand Words Often Miespelled —W. H B. Flamborongh Village and Headland—Ed. by R. Fisher Forgotten Great Englishman, a—J. Baker ... 878 Free Church of Scotland, Chapters from the History of—N. L. Walker ... ... 860 French Revolution, the History of the—L. A. Thiers—Trans. by F. Shoberl 908 Fringes of Fife, the—J. Geddie 111 From China to Peru Over the Andes—Mrs. H. Fruit-Culture for Profit—C. B. Whitehead ... 508 Farness and Cartmel Notes—H. Barber... ... 541 fil_ARNER of Gleanings, a—Lady Knightley of • Faiveley 436 Gleams of Memory, &c.—James Payn ... 437 Good Style, Small Expense—Ben Holt — 509 Greek and Latin, the Theory of Conditional Sentences iu—R. Horton-Smith... ... 172 Guelphs and Ghibellines—O. Browning ... . 558 Guide-Books . . 112-559 Gulliver's Travels—Macmillan and Co. (pub.) ... 207

if AVELOCX, with, from Aliahabad to Luck- now—Sampson, Low, and Co. (pub.) ... 368

Hogarth's Works—J. Dicks (pub.) ... 26 Horace, the Odes of, I. and IL—J. H. Deazeley 693 Horsemanship, the Art of-1d. H. Morgan ... 402 How to Read the Prophets : Ezekiel—B. Blake 508 Hygiene—J. L. Notter and IL Ii. Firth ... 273 TKAGED World, an—E. Garnett ... ... 303 Imitation of Christ, the— Introd. by Dr.

Parrar 508 hido-China, the Colonisation of—J. Chailley- Bert

In Verse and Out of It—B. Fielding ... 510 Ivan the Terrible—A. Pember 540

JEREMLAH: Priest and Prophet—F. B. Meyer Josiah Wedgwood: his Personal History-13. Judas Maccabseas-0. R. Conder KANGAROO and Sauri—J. K. Arthur LABOUR Protection, the Theory and Policy

26 110 110 560 881 207 Lancashire, History of—H. Fishvrick 693 Land of the Dawning, the—E. H. Canney 881 Lansdowne, Marquis of, the Administration of- Latin and Greek Verse Translations—W. Baker 854 — Phrase-Book—C. lifeissner 368 Land, a Life of—By " A Romish Recusant" 503 Lays of Ancient India—Trans. by Romesh Chunder Datt 693 Lesser Questions—Lady Jenne ... ... 908 Life and Work of Bishop Medley—W. G.

Lombard Street in Lent—Elliot Stock pub.) ... 474 London Up to Date—G. A. Sala ... 272

gAGAZINES. Some of the:- lii

Blackwood 26-334-471.620-792 — Contemporary Review ... 24-171-334.472-620-792 — Fortnightly Review ... 25-171-334471-628.792 27 — National Review 25-171.334-472.619-792 — Nineteenth Century ... 25-170-333-471-620-792 — Quarterly Review ... 621 (bee also pp. 26.28-18-172-173-206-207-330-336-473- 476-560-622-657-763-793.) Manchester Literary Club, the Papers of the, Vol. XIIL—Heywood (pub.) ... 879 Marches of Wales, the—C. G. Harper ... 511 Mathematical Papers of Prof. H. S. S. Smith- 111 Michael Drayton, an Introduction to-0. Elton 880 Militia Battalions of Southampton, the, 1757- Monuments of Early Christianity—F. C. Cony. 1894—Col. L. Verney 112 335 Mother's Book of Health—G. Stables ... 762 Mountain, Moor, and Loch—Causton and Sons 27 Munro. Sir Thomas—J. Bradshaw ... 273 Mushrooms, Edible and Poisonous—M. C. Cooke 508 My Weather-wise Companion—W. Blackwood Novels, Stories, - Absent, yet Present—Gilberta M. F. Lyon ... — Adventures of Hans MiiiIer—Alice Lang ...

— All in a Man's Keeping—Meg Dyan — All that was Possible—H. 0. Sturgis ..

— Appledore Farm—Katharine S. Macquoid — Artist's Fate, an—C. Clarke — Australia Revenged—Remington & Co. (pub.) — ' Bachelor ' to the Resins—Florence Patton- 437 173 402 881 273 658 403 868 368 436 827 272 273 336 475 401 540 403 — Eccentrics, the—P. Ross 172 — Double Cherry, a—M. E. Winchester ... 540 — Disagreeable Doke, the—Elinor D. Adams ... 272 — First Republic, the (Ctimas)—Trans. by Katherine P. Wormelev 728 436 — Five Stars in a Littie Pool—Edith Carrington — For the Honour of the Flag—Com. C. N. Robinson and J. Leyland ... ... 303 — Gates of Dawn, the—F. Hume ... ... 401 — Goddess of the Dandelions, the—Lillias 762 — Great Indiscretion, a—Evelyn Everett-Green 693 — Betty's Heritage—Noel Dene — Honour of Savelli. the—S. L. Yeats ... ... 437 — How He Became a Peer—J. Thirak 28 — Xl Mal Occhio—G. S. Godkin 59 — In a New World—Mrs. II. Blaakwood 880 — In Furthest Ind—S. C. Grier ... ... 621 — In the Midst of Alarms—R. Barr ... — Japanese Marriage, a—D. !Kaden ...

— Lady Jane—Mrs. 0. V. Jamison _ ... 474 — Late Springtime, a—Lily Perks ... 762 — Little Johannes—Trans. by Clara Bell ... 879 — Lone Inn, the—Fergus Hume ... ... 762 — Love in Idleness—F. M. Crawford ... 368 — Maid of the West, a—Mrs. Grange ... — Maids in a Market-Garden—Clo Graves ... 826 — Man from Oshkosh, the—J. Hicks ... 435 — Man of his Word, a—A. Paterson 795 — Mask and the Man, the— P. Andreae... ... 403 — Maud Marian, Artist—Eglanton Thorce ... 402 — McLellan of McLellan—Helen It. Redden ... 761 — Melancholy of Stephen Allard, the—Mac- millan (pub.) ... 794 — Mermaid, the—L. Dowell ... 540 — Mill on the Use, the—Mrs. Traherne... ... 402 — Model Wife, a—Mrs. C. Carr ... 508 — Nicol Thain. Materialist—By the Author of "Thomas Wanless, Peasant" ... 404 — No Enemy (bat Himself)—E. Hubbard ... 474 — Northward Ho I—A. Gordon ... 403 — Old House by the Water, the — Bessie Marchant — One of Life's Slaves—Trans. by Jessie Muir 728 — Other Bond, the—Dora Russell 692 — People of the Mist, the—Rider Haggard ... 241 — Perfect Fool a—Florence Warden ... 28 — Philip and his Wife—Margaret Deland ... 559 — Pilgrims, the—W. 0. Dawe 241 — Play-actress, the—S. B.. Crockett .., 402 — Pliable Marriage, a—P. Pickering ... 692 — Ponshkin's Prose Tales—Trans. by T. Keane 112 — Price of the Pearl, the—Baroness P. von

NATIONAL Museum of the Louvre—Trans. by H. B. Gauseron ... 908 Natural History Books ... 560-692

Naturalist on the Prowl, a—By "Elul" ... 692 New Editions and Reprints 113-208-336-562-659-763 -860 New High German—W. W. Valentine ... ... 727 303 Newton Booth of California—L. E. Crane ... 840 Night-Lights—A. B. Fro-t 879 Nihilism as It Is S. Watson ... 621 North America, a Round Trip to—Lady T. Gees; 881 401 474 727 540 112 112 436 - Ballybeg Junction—F. M. Allen — Bean:qui Soul, a—Florence Marryat — Behind an Eastern Veil—C. J. Wills ...

— Bell-ringer of Angel's, the—Bret Harte — BjOrn son's SynnOn4 Solbakken—Trans. by Julie Butter — Black Squire, a—Mrs. Hunt — Born Soldier, a—J. S. Winter ... — Bread and Butter Miss, a—G. Paston — Captain's Youngest,the—Frances H. Burnett — Chaucer's Canterbury Tales—Ed. by A. W.

— Cherton's Work-People—A. Colbeck...

— Christmas Hirelings-1d. E. Braddon

— Crimson Sign, the—S. It. Keightley

— Crowned Victor—Hannah B. Mackenzie ...

— Dark Intruder, a—R.

— Darleys of Dingo-Dingo—J. U. MacCartie — Daughter of the World, a—Fletcher Batter-

Novels, Stories, Ice. (continued):—

— Provost of Glendookie, the—A. S. Robertson 112 — Pudd'nhead Wilson—" Mark Twain"... ... 367 — Rachel Bone—It. Buchanan ... ... 28 — Raymond's Folly—E. St. J. Leigh ... 474.

— Red House Ms story. the—H's. Hungerford 240 — Romance of Dijon, a—M. Betham-Edwards 559 — Romances of the Old Seraglio—H, N. Oreille 559 — Run to Ground—Mrs. R. Jocelyn 29'

— Sapphire Ring, A-0. Granville 859

— Scorpion. the—E. A. Vizetelly 795 — Scott, Tales from—Sir B. Sullivan 109 — See-Saw of Life, the—W. A. Morley ... 859: — Some Men are such Gentlemen—Arabella — Story of Babette, the—Ruth H. Stuart ... 878 — Story of Sonny Sahib, the—Mrs. E. Cotes ... 402 — Sunshine and Haar—G. Saone 762

••■• TIMMS Bodkin—W. D. Latto 111.

— Thirteen Doctors—Mrs. T. K. Spender ... 692 — Through Fire and Water—T. S. Millington 110 — To Punish the Czar—H. Hutchinson.- ... 436' — Tragic Honeymoon, a—A St. Aubyn... 172. — Traveller from Al runs. a—W. D. Howells 475 — True as Steel—T. S. Millington 503 — True Till Death—E. F. Pollard 437 — 'Tween Gloamin' and the Mirk—Sir H.

Gilzean-Beid 761 — Under the War Clouds—E. F. Pollard ... 436 — Vanished Star. the—C. E. Craddoak ... 436

— Ventured in Vain—R. E. SalweV ••• 28'

— Vera Barantzava—Sophis. Kovalevsky ... 302 — Vernon's Aunt—iarah J. Duncan ... 403 — Watcher, the, and other Tales—T. S. Ls Farm 404.

— Walter's Mon, the—Bram Stoker ... ... 140 — When Fortune Frowns—Katharine Lee ... 683 692 — Wilton, Q.C.—Mrs. A. Tweedie... 768 — Witch of the Juniper Walk—Mrs. May 402 — Without Respect of Pe. sons—C. Middleton.- 795. — Zachary Brough's Venture—Elizabeth B.

Bayly 826, Namismata Londiniensia—C. Welch ... 903

ON Expreseinn in Nature—W. 435' Opere di Dante Alighieri—E. Moore ... 273

Oracles of Papias, the —Longmans (pub) ) 878 Organic Chemistry—C. Schorlemmer 881 Our Next War—Blades and East (pub.) ... 27 Outlines of Biology—P. C. Mitchell IIHILIP'S Systematic At:as —E. G. Raven- stein Philo about the Contemplative Vie—F. C. Conybeare Philosophy and Development of Religion—O. Pfieiderer Phredo of Plato, the—Ed. by R. D. Archer-Hind 113 Phormio of Terence, tha—Trans. by H. H.

Pipe-Lights: Essays—H. T. Whitaker 508 Plants, the Natural History of—F. Oliver ... 558 Poetarum Lminorum Index—E. F. M. Henecke... 395• Poetry, Books of ... _60-110-509-561-693 Poets and Poetry of the Century—Ed. by A.

Miles Polynesia, from Darkness to Light in—W. W.

Popular Lectures and Addresses—Lurd Kelvin 404

Portraits in Plaster—L. Hutton ... 878 Practical Dictionary of the English Language—

Presbyterian Church, the—A. Wright 858

Prose and Poetry, Studies in—A. C. Swinbnroe 240 Punch, Pictures from, Vols. I.-II.—Bradbary,

Agnew, and Co. (pub.) ... 559.

AILWAY Policy in India—H. Bell ... 241

Ramble Round the Globe, a—T. R. Dewar 508 Reeves, Right Rev., Life of —Lady Ferguson ... 241 Register of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford,

Vol. L—W. D. Macray 659'. Revolution of the Twentieth Century—Ed. by

H. Lazarus Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, the—J. H. Richmond and Kew, the History of—E. B.

Chancellor Robertson, George Croom, Philosophical Re- mains of—Ed. by A. Bain and T. Whittaker... 653.

Roman Gossip—Frances Elliot ... 368-

Romantic Professions—W. P. James ... 272 Royal Historical Society, Vol. VIII.—Longmans 727 Rutherford, Samuel—A. Whyte 272'

SAFAR Nameh: Persian Pictures—Bentley

and Son (pub.) 881 School and Text Books, &c.... 90-113-114-173-207-239' -762-880 Science and a Future Life : Essays—F. W. H. Myers Scotland, the Popular Poetry of—El. by D. Laing Scottish Gypsies under the Stewarts—D. Mao- ritebie Shakespeare, the Plays of—Ed. by 0. 0. Flower 908 Shelf of Old Books, a—Mrs. J. T. Fields... ... 693 Shen's Pigtail, the (" Pseudonym Library ")— T. Fisher Unwin (pub.) ... 240 Sierra Leone after a Hundred Years—Dr. Ingham 140 Stars, the Story of the—G. F. Chambers ... 880 Strain, Selections from—H. G. Tozer ... 240' Stray Sketches in Obakmakpore—N. W. Pai ... 859 St. Thomas's Priory—J. Gillow 112 btadies of Nature on the Coast of Arran—G.

Successful Life, the—Ca.isell and Co. (pub.) ... 115 Sunrise Land—Mrs. A. Berlyn (" Vera") ... 860 Sussex Archeological Collections, XXXIX.— Farncomb (pub.) ... 658 Sweet-Scented Flowers and Fragrant Leaves- rrACITUS—Ed by C. E. Bennett ... 880 Tennyson. the Teaching of—J. Oates ... 908 Ten Weeks in Egypt and Palestine—Catherine Janeway Theatrical World of 1894, the—W. Archer ... 826 Theatricals—H. James 694 Theological Works, Sermons, 110-475-558 Theoretical Chemistry—W. Nernst ... 881 Thoughts on the Epistles of Holy Week—J.

Masters and Co. (pub.) ... 474 Tragedy of Morant Bay, the—H. B. Underhill 69/

'Travels in a Tree Top-O. C. Abbott ... ... 437 Trees, Text-Book of the Diseases of-R. Hartig 239 TTGANDA, Chronicles of-R. P. Ashe... ... 881 ki United States Navy, a History of-E. S.

VIRGIL, the Works of-Trans. by A. H.

Bryco Vita Nueva and its Author-C. S. Boswell ... 761.

Voioe, Speech, and Gesture-O. Deacon and Co.

WALTON and the Earlier Fishing Writers Wandering Words-Sir B. Arnold ... 879

Water-Supply of Towns, Re.-F. W. H. Myers... 89 Wells, Early History of the Church of-C. M.

Whately, Elizabeth Jane-By her Sister ... 510 Woman's Share in Primitive Oultare-0, T.

Wordsworth'', Dorothy, Tour in Scotland-Ed. by J. C. Shaul) (third edition) ... 471 ENOPHON, Anabasie. I.44.-Ed. by W. .L1 Goodwin and J. W. White ...

A/TEAR of Sport, a-Ed. by 0. Crawford ... 692 Yoruba People of West Atka-Lieut.-

ZIG-ZAGS at the Zoo-A. Morrison and J. A.


Aeisticustrunsm Distress, the Liberal Remedy for, 751. Animal Etiquette, 326. Animal Vision, 899.

Arbitration and the Behring Sea Claims. 426, Archbishops' Educational Scheme, the, 899.

TtEHRING Sea Treaty, the, 647.

Bimetallism. 196.499.

Bird-Story, a, 852. Birthday Honours. the, 785.

Boat-Lowering Gear, 197. Brotherless Women, 752. Brunetiere, ht., on Science and Religion, 197.

Bus ning of Frendraught," 294-326.

flasositt-Pkaizs, M., the Resignation of, 131. • Cat-Stories, 230 900.

Child-Stories, 464-500.

Clerical Magistrates, 132. Crimean War, the, 785.

Crispi, Signor, 49-82.

Cromwell and Religions Liberty, 899.

DEPTFORD Poll, the, 360. "Did Junius Commit Suicide?" 899. Disestablishroent, the Residuary Legatee of. 499.

Dog-Stories, 1165-198-230.327.427.647.683.719-752- 785-786-853.900.

"Don't Prophesy unless You Know," 427. Dr. Boyd's Story of the Priest, 647. , Dry-Rot of States, the, 49. Duck Navigator, a, 752. Duke of Wellington on Bimetallism, 499.

MOTION of Grief in Animals, the, 852-900.

- English Charities, Healthiness of, 16.

TIATHEn Th01110.4 Burke, 50.

-Li Folk-Speech, 532. French " Whitaker," a, 83-132. Frost-Pictures, 231-294.

" arrgrwe Rid of Death," 533-613.

'LA Glorifying the Slipshod Life, 718 752.

Greyfriars' Bobby,' 852.

llerarrssnn, Septimus, the late, 132-229.

'LA- Harcourt, Sir William, his blip, 229.

Hawaii as Balf way-House, Free to Ail, for Ever, 718. Herrnhuters, the, 647. Horse, a Sagacious, 197.

TMPERTUBBABILITY of the Agricultural Labourer,

the, 683.

Indian Cotton-Duties. the. 326.

Insects, Variety of Charscrer in, 83-132-165. Intemperance in Tea, 50. Ireland, the New Magistrate" in, 360. Irish Land Bill, the, 392-193-532-578-750. Irish Superstitions, 463-533-613. Is a Leading Character in a Novel necessarily a Hero? 161.

Is there a Welsh Nation? 427.

JAPAN, Corea, and "the China of the West," 499. KIRK, the, and its Creed, 463.

T estnitrei-zusg, 646. -La Lilly, Mr. W. S., on Dickens, 164. Local Proverbs, 752.

London Library, the, 852. Lords, the House of, a Short Way with, 15. Lubbock, Sir John, a Dream Suggested by, 16.

ma Dynasty, the, 360.

Monier-Williams, Sir 84.: a Correction, 326. Morley, Mr., his Proposal, 359.

CIFFICIAL Trustee, au. 392.

Old-age Pensions, 45. Our Statesmen as Humourists, 647-683.

" arum et Circenses," 612. "Post-office, the Inner Life of thed 231. " Poste Restante." 393.

Present Division of Parties, the, 162. President of the Italian Chamber, the, 899. Proselytes and Converts, 326. Public-House Reform, 229.264, Pusey, Dr., Life of, 463-590.,

-REED, Mrs. Alfred German : a Correetion;427.

Rome, Easter-Day in, 577.

CIENLEY, Professor, his Religions Position. 162. Sentiment and Sepulture, 82-132-163-197.

Silver, the Remonetisation of, 265. Snowstorm. the Recent. an Incident in the, 264. Somersetahire Dialect, 230. Stephen, Mr. Leslie, his Advice to Readers, 326. Story of Alexander, the, 647. Summer in Winter, 196. Superstition, a Plea for. 391. Supposed Fusion of Conservatives and Liberal Unionists, the, 162.

Sycophancy or Synonym? 785.

" rflaLes of Mean Street.," 360. -A- Testimonial Question, another side to the, 16. Thornycroft, toe late Mrs. Mary, 263.

Tramps, 818-851-898.

UNIONISTS and Social Reform, the, 163.

ITANDERBILT, Mr., his Expenditure, 164.

• Viceroy's Visit to South Kerry and its Hotels, a, 850.

WEI-RAI-WEI, the Warning of, 265. Welsh Cathedrals, the, 360. Welsh Disestablialiment Bill, the, 326.

"z" the Absurd Word of, 17.



A calmer Dinner, the, 635. • °°- Acton. Lord, his Inaugural Lecture, 807. Anti-Gambling League and the Jockey Club, 71-251. Anti-Paraellite Party, the Split in the, 886. Arbitration with America, 3.

Argyll, the Duke of: Illness of. 70; his Speech at Glasgow, 150; at St. James's Halt, 634. Armenian Deputation to Mr. Gladstone. 518; Meeting at St. James's Hall, protesting against the Atrocities, 634. Ascension Day, 706.

Asquith, Mr. : and the Trade Unionists, 71; at Newcastle - on - Tyne, 149; at Cambridge, 378; at Nottingham, 45L Atrocities in Armenia: Deputation to Mr. Glad- stone, 518; the Public Meeting at St. James's Hall, 634.

latsr..goun, Mr. : in East Manchester, 70; at Ardwick, -LP 119; on Bimetallism, 451; in Covent Garden Theatre, 598; on the Press, 635; on Medicine, 671; in Westminster, 737,

Birthday Honours, the, 738.

Bishops, the, on the Re-marriage of Divorced Persons, 671.

Boot Trade Dispute, the Settlement of. 567. Bryce, Mr. : on the Depression, 346; at Aberdeen, 773.

Buckinghamshire, the Earl of, joins the Glad- stoniaus, 2.

Burning a Wife in Ireland, 415.

Burns, Mr. J.: on Trade-Unionism, 70; and his Constituents, 635.

Burt, Mr., on Coal, 567.

CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, Mr., at Hawick, 38. Chamberlain, Mr. : at Stepney. 183; in St. James's Hall, 706; at Birmingham, 737. Clarke, Sir R., at Plymouth, 2. Clergyman and the Burglar, the, 317. Co-operative Congress at Huddersfield, 775. County Council Elections, the Result of, 313. Courtney, Mr., at Liskeard, 518.

Croke, Archbishop, on Home-role, 251 Cromwell's Statue and the Irish Members, 671.

nAUDET, Alphonse. visits London, 707. A.F Derby, the Won by Lord Rosebery's 'Sir Vigo,' 739.

Devonshire, Duke of, at Ulverston, 119; at the Hotel Metropole, 837.

Duckworth, Canon, on Patronage, 379.

' TILDE,' the Wreck of the, 151. -LA Evesham Election, the, 39.

TILTAL Fire in the Edgware Road, London, 3. -u Fowler, Mr., on Indian Finance, 150. Frost, the Great, 217.

aIFFEN, Mr., on the Irish Tunnel. 635.

Gladstone, Mr., on the Armenian Atrocities, 2; on Irish Unity, 38; on Language, 39; his Psalter, 315; and the Liberals of Huddersfield, 518 ; on Gambling, 887.

Gladstonians at the National Liberal Club, the, 634.

Goldwin Smith, Mr., on Cromwell, 567.

Goschen, Mr. : at Davenport, 518; at Plymoutb,566. Grant Duff, Sir M., on Herodotas, 251.

HARCOURT, Sir W.: Rumoured Resignation of, 37; at Derby, 118; at the Mansion House, 707. Harrington, Mr., on Moonlighters, 346.

Healy, Mr., at erossmaglen, 37.

Horseless Vehicles, 807,

TNFLUENZA, Outbreak of, in London, 281. -L. Ireland, New Land Agitation in, 2.

jrABEZ BALFOUR, the Fxtradition of, 487. James, Sir H., on the Unionist Party, 45L Jameson, Dr., on Matabeleland, 151. Jockey Club and Anti•Gambling League, 71; the Summons against Dismissed, 251. Justin McCarthy, Mr. : on John Stuart Mill, 774; on the Political Crisis, 887.

irr-runnimer, Lord, on Armenia, 449-599. " Labour Day," 597.

T ANSDOWNE, Lord, at Caine, Wilts, 150. -1-.1 Liberal Unionists at St. James's Hall, 706.

Lincoln's Inn Fields, the Opening of, 283. Local Option Meeting at the Albert Hall, 739. London County Council: Result of the Elections, 313, Election of Chairman, &a., 347. London Library. the, 106. London, the Unification of, 707.

laawernurrest v. India, 38.

-L•1- Martineau, Dr., Completes his Ninetieth Year, 567.

Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants, 807.

Military in Riots, the, 219. Ministerial Addresses, the Purport of, 835. Morley, Mr. : at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 150 ; and the Irish Independent, 251; at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 738.

NATIONAL League in Dublin, the, 119. National Liberal Federation at Cardiff, the, 70; Manifesto by, 887.

Navy League. the Formation of the, 39. New Year's Honours, 3.

New Unionists at Newcastle, the, 519.

"pros ROBERTS, Mr., appointed to a Canonry in

-L Canterbury, 250. Peasant Proprietary in Dorsatshire, 887.

Peel, Mr. George, hisWithdrawal from Leamington, 566.

Petty, Sir W., on Home-rule, 518. Pickard, Mr., at Birmingham, 38. Pope's Letter to England, the, 566. Popularity of Rebels in Ireland, the, 839.

RATRBONE, Mr., On Welsh Agitations, 183. Redmond, Mr. W., at Dublin, 38. Registrar-Geuerairs Returns, the, 317.

Ripon, the Deanery of, 487. Robinson, Sir Hercules, his appointment to the Cape, 2SL Rosebery, Lord : at Cardiff. 118; and the London University, 118; Rumours about his Health, 377. Russell's, a Family Quarrel among the, 283.

SALISBURY, Lord: at the Hotel Metropole, 251; on Religious Teaching, 379; at Bradford, 706 in Merchant Taylors' Hall, 738; on Voluntary Educa- tion, 807.

Saturn's Rings, 519.

Scott-Moncrieff, Sir C., on the Nile, 151. Severe Weather of Week ending February 9th, 183. Short Hours., Mr. Brunner's Experience of, 183. Silver, the Rise of, 451; the Remonetisation of, 707. Stead, Mr., and his Issue of a Penny Edition of the English Poets, 739.

Suicides from Weariness, 775,

rpsininn T. Streeter (the Jewel Case), 233. Theob ild Romance, the, 487.

Tillett, Alderman Ben, on Statistics, 2. Tories and Liberal-Unionists, 487. Tramp Question, the, 807.

Treasury, the Prosperity of the, 635.

VANDALISM in North London, 775.

'ylesrsorr, Mr. William, Pension to, 315. " Welsh Disestablisnment, $78; Mr. H. Matthews on, 414.

Women in Factories, 671.


A DDRESS, the Debate on the, 217.

- Armaments, the Radiaals on, 377. Army Estimates, the, 378. Arnold-Forster, Mr., on the Navy, 345. Ashbottrne, Lord, on Jobbing in Ireland, 218.

Asquith, Mr.: and the Welsh Church, 282; on Bakeries, 567.

RIMETALLISM, Mr. Everett's Motion on, 532. Brassey, Lord, on the Manning of the Navy, 414.

Bryce, Mr., his Coneiliation Bill, 315. Budget, the, 597. Burials Bill, the, Second Reading moved by Mr. C. Williams, 315.

flAMBRIDGE, Duke of, Resigns the Commander-in-

Chiefship, 887.

Carmarthen. Lord, his Bill on Pistols, 233.

Church Patronage Bill, the. 450. Clancy, Mr., on Amnesty, 218.

Coburg Pension. the Debate on the, 633. Colonial Judges as Privy Councillors. 437.

Commons' Debate on the Address, 181. Cromwell Statue, the, 838.

Cyprus, the Cost uf, 378.

TIstersr., Mr., on " Home-rule all round," 419.

- Debate on the Address, the, 249. EUROPEAN Policy in the Far East, 182. FACTORY Bill, the, and the Government, 839.

GLADSTONE, Mr., his " Pair," 837. Government, the, Defeat of, on June 21st, 885. Grey, Sir E., on French Aggression in Africa, 413.

1TARCOURT, Sir William, on Public Business, 805.

Healy, Mr., and his Municipal Bill, 806.

Herschel), Lord, his Defence, 181,

TISDIAN Cottons, the Debate on, 249.

Irish Crimes Acts. the Repeal of the, 633.

Irish Guardisns, 346.

Irish Land Bill, the New, 314450, Turners!. Committee, the Reform of the, 739. u Justices of the Peace, the Election of, 379.

AND Tenure Bill, the, 671.

- Local Veto Bill, the New, 486.

Lords' Debate on the Address, 181.

ATABGREBOR, Dr.. and the Crofters ; he applies for 'ILL the Stewardship of the Manor of Northstead, 705. NAVAL ESTIMATES, Mr. Arnold-Forster on the, 315. postrarewr of Members, Mr. Allen on the, 415. Peers, the Right of, to Remain in the Commons, 635.

Plural Voting, 599. QUEEN'S Speech, the, 181.

QALISBURY, Lord, forms a New Ministry, 885. " Second Ballots, 486.

Selborne, Lord, his Plea, 670.

USpeakership, the, 345.377413-486. GANDA and the Government, SOS. Unemployed, the Select Committee on the, 182. -VACATING of Seats, the Committee on the, 707.

WELSH Disestablishment Bill, the, 282-414-450-671. 705-833.


BRISTOL (East).-Sir W. H. Wills (G.), 377. BOLCHESTER.-SiT W. Pearson (G.), 250. DORSET (West).-Col. Williams (C.), 669. EDINBURGH (West).-Mr. MacIver (U.), 737. EyEstwit (Worcestershire).-Colonel Long (II.), 118.

LEEDS (East).-Mr. Leidy (G.), 598. NORFOLK (Mid.)-Mr. Garden (C.), 566. OXFORD.-Lord Valentia (C.), 566. WALWORTH.-Mr. Bailey (C.), 669. WARWICK AND LEAMINGTON.- Mr. Lyttelton (L.U.), 705.

WICKLOW (East).-31r. O'Kelly (A.P.), 598.


British East Africa Company : the Meeting of the, 119; the Compromise with, 415. British-Indian Subjects and the Transvaal, 887. Railways in South Africa, 71. Rebellion in the Transvaal, 670. Tangier, an Atrocity at, 774.


Cricket, the Telegrams about, 33. New South Wales, the Governorship of, 739.


Anti •Semitism : in Austria -Hungary, 670; in Vienna, 738.

Earthquakes in Carinthia, 519.

Ecclesiastical Crisis in, 634.

Fall of the Ministry, the, 839.

Kalnoky, Count, the Fall of, 670.


King of the Belgians, the, and the Congo State, 39.


Stambonloff, M., the Arrest of, sanctioned by Prince Ferdinand, 1.


War in the Far East, the :- - Rosebery, Lord, Interference of, 37. - : the Assault of, 149; the Fall of, 217. - Chinese Offers of Peace, the, 217; Prospects of, 249.

- Kong, Prince, on the War, 282. - Nenchang, the Fall of, 313. - Chinese Negotiations, the, 345. - Li Hung Chang, Attempt to Assassinate, 413. - Terms of Peace by the Japanese, 495. - Japanese Articles of War, the, 485. War in the Far East, the (continued) :- - Simonoseki : the Peace of,517 ; Modifications in the Treaty of, 633. - Philippines, the, and Japan, 670. - Japanese Opinion, 737. - Danger of Foreigners in Southern China, 805. - Chino-Russian Loan, the Hitch in the, 886. Camphor, the Rise in the Price of Japanese, 705.


Cuban Rebellion, the : Serious Outlook for Spain, 775-806-886.


British Fleet, the, at Alexandria, 737. Cairo, a New Tribunal in, 282. Crisis in, 249.

Finances of, 219.

Ismail Pasha, the Funeral of, 317. Slatin Bey, Rescue of, 379.


Amnesty, the Effect of the, 182.

Blackmailing in Paris, 1-250.

Budget Committee, the. 70.5.

Canrobert, Marshal, Funeral of, 149.

Casimir-Ptirier, M., Resignation of, 69.

Colonial Expansion, Opposition to, in the Chamber, S36.

Faure, M. Felix : elected President, 69; his First

Ministry. 117.149; in Normandy, 519.

Germany, a Better Feeling towards, in France,217.

Hanotaux, M., on French Policy, 805.

Lanessan, M. de : Recall of, 1; on the Colonies, 315.

Lockroy, AL, on the Navy, 345.

Madagascar, the Transport to, 182.

Miners' Congress in Paris, 774.

Paris, another Scandal in, 739.

Ribot, 51., on French Finance, 451.

Roche, M. Jules, on the French Array, 313.

Russo-Chinese Loan, the Hitch in the, 836.

Scandals in, 219.

State Pensions for the Aged in, 487.


Alsace-Lorraine, the German Chancellor on 150. Baltic Canal, the Opening of the, 738-837-886.

Bismarck, Prince, his Confe,sions, 233.

Emperor, the, on the Navy, 39.

German Parliament, the, 599.

Jesuits, the, to be Readmitted to the Empire, 71.

Jews. the Hatred of, in, 774.

" Kanitz Plan," the, 346.

Reichstag, the, and Prince Bismarck, 415.

Repressive Bills in, 669. Ultramontanes, the, and the Anti-Socialist Bill, 2E13.


Crisis in, and Resignation of H. Tricoupi, 117. Greek Elect ens, the, 599.


Banffy, Baron, Elected Premier, 71.


Bettye Family, the, 517.

Buddha, the Relics of, 346.

Chitral the Prince of, Mnrdered by his Brother, 37; ROES, Capt., and Party, Massacre of, at, 414; the Expedition to, 419-485; the Advance on, 517; Col. P. Battye Killed, 517; the Relief of, 565; the Policy in, .565; the Expedition over, 597; the Rewards for, 634; Who Relieved It? 774.

Indian Supply Departments, the, 599.

Radicals, the Indian, 219. Younghosband, Capt., on the Himalayan Moun- taineers, 347.


Earthquake at Florence, 707.

General Elections in, 739.

Kine Humbert opens Parliament, 806. Parliament, the New Italian, 839. NEWFOUNDLAND.

Likely to become a Part of the Canadian Derain 567.


Kimberley, Lord, demands an Indemnity for the Outrage on the British Consul, 565.


Czar, the, and France, 838.

Czar's Declaration, the, I5L Hopes for Reform in, 1. Japan and Russia, 566-597.

Liberals, the, in, 219.

Russian Guarantee for China, the Loan of 217,000,000, 773-905; the Hitch about, 886.


Murder of a Captain-General in Madrid, 774. Rebellion in Cuba Serious Outlook for Spam, 775- 806.886.

Spanish Ill-fortune, 378.

SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Continuation of the Deadlock between, 451.


Armenian Question : Suppression of Information from, 117; Confirmation of the Atrocities, 182: the Daily Telegraph on the Atrocities, 379; an Extra- ordinary Story from, 517; the Powers on the, 669; and the Sultan, 839; Oppression of the Peasantry by the Turks, 836.

Jeddah Incident, the, 737-774.

Reforms in, 773.


Baring Straits, the Arbitration anent, 313. Bimetallism, Increase of, 250.

Cleveland, Mr., on the Gold Reserve, 151. Currency in the United States, 838.

Explosion in Montana, 70.

Hawaii and President Cleveland, 38.

House of Represzntatives, the, and Arbitration, 313 Income-tax in, the, 707.

Meade, Admiral. and Nicaragua, 705. New York, the Unification of, 3.

Nicaragua and the Americans, 517.

Tram-car Strike at Brooklyn, the, 119.


Aberdare, Lord, 281.

Archduke Albrecut of Austria, 251.

Bacon, Sir James (aged ninety-eight), 775. Battye, Colonel F., 517.

Campbell, Mr. James Dykes, 775. Chesney, General Sir George, 451. Churchill, Lord Randolph, 117.

Dale, Dr. (Congregationalist), 347.

Hansard, Rev. Septimus (Rector of Bethnal Green), 119.

Horaby, Sir Geoffrey, 314.

Ismail Pasha, 315.

Laoaita, Sir James, 39. Maharaja of Mysore, the, 3. O'Brien, Sir Patrick, 599.

Rawlinsou, Sir Henry, 314.

Robinson, Mr. Alfred, of New College, 315. Rossetti, Miss Christina, 3.

Seeley, Sir John (Regius Professor of History at Oxford), 71.

Selborne, Lord, 633,