Our Nest War. (Blades, East, and Blades.)—The title goes on
to limit the subject by adding, "In its Commercial Aspect ; with Some Account of the Premiums paid at 'Lloyd's ' from 180:i to 1816." Our enormous commerce and carrying trade will im. pose duties not easily to be discharged, upon us, and it is well to be beforehand in estimating their magnitude. Some interest ing facts are here given. "We then required in our Navy alone twice as many men as we now employ." Heligoland was very useful to us, and the policy of giving it up looks in the light .of facts here given very doubtful. But it is quite impossible, with any space at our command, to analyse the facts here sup- plied. What is clear, is that war must cost us more than it costs any other nation, though it may quite possibly leave us with a better margin than any other will possess.