France has been amazed by the sudden and peremptory recall
of M. de Lanessan, Governor-General of French Indo- China, and the petted representative of the forward Colonial party. He is a man of remarkable energy, and has openly stated that, in his opinion, the Republic should annex Siam, and acquire at least a predominant influence in Vie Western Provinces of the Chinese Empire. The precise cause of his removal is not yet known ; but according to demi-official accounts, among the papers of M. Canivet, editor of the Paris, recently arrested on a charge of black- mailing, are letters in which M. de Lanessan reveals im- portant secrets, gives early information of concessions, and lays doitm plans under which the Government at home may be coerced into a certain course of action. M. de Lanessan telegraphs that the charges are ridiculous, but M.Casimir-Périer would not have acted without strong evidence, and so irritated is his Government that it is reported M. de Lanessan will, on his return, be arrested and brought to trial. His successor is M. Rousseau, the engineer, whose honest report on the Panama Canal saved M. Carnet from the blunder of authorising a fresh lottery loan for that bankrupt undertaking.