5 SEPTEMBER 1903, Page 1

Greece has apparently joined Asia against Europe. The rumour of

a formal alliance between the Government of Athens and the Sultan may be untrue, but it seems to be certain that the Greeks outside Macedonia sympathise heartily with the Turks. Within the province, we have good authority for saying, this is not the case, the Macedonians suffering too much from Mussulman oppression ; but the tone of Athens is positively revolting. The freedom of Macedonia is described as contrary to "Greek national interests," and the Bulgarians who assist in securing it as " wolves " and "brigands," whom it is a duty to shoot down. The Greeks will find, we think, that their "national interests" will not be furthered by alienating British opinion, which, without deprecating the Greek idea, holds that its realisation through a Turkish alliance would be purely mischievous. If Athens is to be Turkish in sympathy, Athens has no moral right to Crete, or any other addition to her territory. We have fought the

'battle of Greece steadily for years, but it was not in order that she might constitute herself a Turkish dependency.