The Falling Off In Savings-bank Deposits. [to The Enrroa Op
THE "SPECTATOR."] Snz,—I have read with great interest the editorial articles and the correspondence in your paper on the question of the day, —the national inquest. You are......
[to The Editor Op Vie "spectator."]
SIR,—In the postscript to his letter in the Spectator of August 29th "A Yorkshire Squire" says that he took the number of acres laid down to grass in the last thirty years "from......
Fiscal Policy.
• [To THE EDITOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It is perhaps natural that nearly all the present dia. cussion on fiscal policy should be carried on on economic and material lines,......
[to Try Editor Op The "spectator."]
SIR,—I believe the ribbon-weaving industry is one that Pro- tectionists claim to have been ruined in Great Britain by Free-trade. I enclose a cutting from the Midland Daily......
Ruined Trades.
[TO THE EDITOR OP TRH "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your correspondent, "A Yorkshire Squire," in his letter in the Spectator of August 29th makes the following astound- ing statement:—"......