5 SEPTEMBER 1903, page 2

A Special Article Of Altogether Unusual Interest On "the...

Attitude" is published in Monday's Times. Start- ing from the proposition that "in order to understand a nation we must study the majority and the leaders it chooses, not those......

Two Interesting Pieces Of News From Germany Appear In...

papers. There is a deadlock between the military authorities and the Town Council of Metz over the question of the water supply. Typhoid fever had broken out at Gorze, where the......

A Curious Political Deadlock Has Arisen At The Cape. The

Bond majority in the Cape Parliament, relying on a pro- nouncement made by one of the Cabinet, carried a Resolution in favour of an inquiry into the operation of martial law.......

Thus, "with All Its Eloquence, Literary And Pictorial, It...

to make the bushman believe in John Bull-Cohen, the griping moneylender, the slave-driver, the nation whose only interest in anything human or divine is centred in its money......

Simultaneously With This Assurance Of The Kaiser's...

physical welfare of his Army comes the report explain- ing the forthcoming resignations of the Crown Prince of Saxony and General von Treitschke of their commands of the 12th......

The Times Published On Tuesday Two Letters Written By Mr.

Cecil Rhodes twelve years ago, shortly after he became Cape Premier for the first time, to the Premiers of Canada and New South Wales. In the letter to Sir John Macdonald; whom......

The Gaulcris Publishes A Long Communication On The Far East

from a writer who signs himself " Amourski," and evidently knows his text well, which contains a statement that, if true, is important. It has, he says, been formally decided at......