The Sugar Convention Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Srit, — I have been away for a short holiday, and have in conse- quence only just seen the Spectator for August 15th and 22nd. Your footnote......
Fiscal Policy.
• [To THE EDITOR OP TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It is perhaps natural that nearly all the present dia. cussion on fiscal policy should be carried on on economic and material lines,......
Exports And Thiports. [to The Editor Op The "spectator.")
SIR,—In reading the letters published in your columns I have seen no mention of the reason given by Professor Fawcett why in England imports must be permanently in excess of......
The Alleged Excess Of Imports. [to The Editor Op The
"SPECTATOR"] SIR,—Referring to the letter of " Merchant " in the Spectator of August 29th, may I point out that the profits of foreign branches of English firms would not appear......
Exports Of British Flour To Brazil. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—As your esteemed correspondent, Dr. J. F. White of Dundee, has referred to me in your columns as his authority for certain figures which he quotes in the......