5 SEPTEMBER 1903, page 18

Pro Tun Enrroe Of The "speurenmv] Sm.,—in Your Valuable...

on the Report of the War Commission in the Spectator of August 29th you truly remark; "the first thing to do is to make the Army a possible career for poor men. " That may be,......

The Art Of Interrogation.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." _I SIB,—The pleasant paper entitled "The Art of Interroga- tion " published in the Spectator of August 8th is evidently written by some one......

"heaven And Home. " [to The Editor Of The "spectator."]...

some of your readers may be curious to know the source of the two-lined quotation inscribed by her Majesty the Queen on the card attached to the floral tribute she sent to......

The Pay Of Officers In The Army. Pro Tee Editor

Or THE "SPECTATOR:] SIE, — In the Spectator of August 29th you say : " The officer ' s pay has stood now at the same figure since a hundred years ago. " Practically it has not......

Minden Drums.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SpEcrwron."] Sin, — There is a story in Kinglake, if I remember rightly, that since the battle there was a secret tradition in one of the regiments of "......

[to The Editor Or The "spectator.") Sea,—in Your Article On

" Army Reform " in the Spectator of August 29th there are two statements on which I offer a passing comment. (1) That in the early part of last century a sovereign bought more.......

English As Spoken In Ireland.

[To THE Roma OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] Sia, — The writer of a letter in the Spectator of August 15th on "English as Spoken in Ireland " has fallen into a very natural mistake with......