5 SEPTEMBER 1903, Page 18

Pro TUN Enrroe OF THE "SPEUreNMV] Sm.,—In your valuable article

on the Report of the War Commission in the Spectator of August 29th you truly remark; "the first thing to do is to make the Army a possible career for poor men." That may be, and perhaps is, "the first thing to do," but it is not the only, or perhaps the most important, thing. In my opinion, it is of equal, and perhaps of greater, importance to get rid of the man who, as you say, "only enters a crack 'regiment for amusement or for show." Our so-called " crack " regiments are officered too much, if not exclusively, by this class ; and to ensure their exclusion something more is wanted than to increase the pay. This would perhaps facilitate the admission of some whose means do not enable them to select the career, but it would not exclude, if only because it would increase the attractions to, the so-called " ornamental " officer. Besides increasing the pay, we want to diminish the expenses of the " crack " regiment officer. The State should pay a larger proportion than at present of the officers' necessary or useful expenses, and should not allow expenditure to be incurred from private means for show and "swagger," as is now too often the case. Unless some such prohibition exists, it is easy to fore- see that the poorer officer would pass a life with his wealthier colleagues which of itself would operate as a deterrent instead of an inducement to choose a military career. I do not see why officers of "crack" regiments should be wealthier, or even better educated, than in other regiments. We want all our officers to be gentlemen and to pass a stiff military exami- nation. We do not require them to be wealthy, and, indeed, if they are and have been brought up amid wealthy surround- ings they are likely to be, not superior, but inferior officers. There is certain to be much discussion next Session in the House of Commons on the Report of the Royal Commission, when, if I have the opportunity, I hope to enforce these view& —I am, Sir, &c., BENJAMIN L. COHEN.

Highfield, Shoreham, Sevenoaks.