The week has been rich in rumours of compromises and
resignations. The former remain unconfirmed and uncontraclicted. With regard to the latter we may note that the Westminster Gazette gave currency on Monday to a rumour that at the next meeting of the Cabinet the Duke of Devonshire would announce his resignation. Happily an explicit denial was given on the following day. We have already stated our reasons for believing that it is the wisest and most patriotic course for the Free-traders in the Cabinet to remain in the Administration as long as the Prime Minister remains neutral, and not to play into the hands of the Protec- tionists by a premature withdrawal. Even the National Review admits that the resignation of the Duke of Devon- shire would be a matter for regret. On Thursday another rumour credited Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman with the intention of withdrawing from the leadership of the Liberal party, but this again met with an emphatic contra- diction, which is certainly what was to be expected in the circumstances.