6 MARCH 1880, Page 1


IT is not too much to say that Europe held its breath on

March 2nd, in expectation of news from St. Petersburg. Nothing, however, occurred. No city was fired, no notability was killed, and the Nihilist threats were entirely discredited by the facts. The Czar received the Ambassadors as usual, and exhibited himself in the balcony of his palace to his people for at least twenty minutes,—under the circumstances, a remarkable and almost unnecessary display of personal courage. The most elaborate precautions were taken, but as far as could be perceived, they were not required, the crowds receiving the Czar with every demonstration of affection. The Revolutionaries appear to have been paralysed by the popular feeling, and perhaps by the popular menaces to the educated class, which were very serious ; bat on the following day, they made an audacious attempt to assassinate General Melikoff. lie was descending from his carriage at his own house, when a young man, formerly a Jew, who had been lounging by the doorway talking to one of the porters, fired directly at him with a revolver, the ball passing through his overcoat. The General turned and struck out, and the young man flying, either stumbled or was tripped up, and was arrested. He states that he acted under orders, and that General Melikoff will be executed by the Secret Society. The attack, following so imme- diately on the General's appointment, has revived the sense of insecurity in St. Petersburg, and it is said that the Emperor will leave immediately for Livadia.