6 MARCH 1880, page 2

In The Debate Of Saturday All The Amendments Intended Either

to diminish the rigour of the Standing Order, or to throw the responsibility on any authority more competent to judge of the matter than the whole House, were negatived. The......

The Election For Drogheda Resulted In The Election Of The

Liberal, Mr. Whitworth, and the defeat of Mr. McCoan, the special candidate of the Home-rule League. Mr. Whitworth had at first pledged himself only to support "the largest......

Mr. Cross Brought In His Water Bill For The Metropolis

on Tuesday. He proposes to form a "Water Trust," consisting of twenty-one members, three of whom will be paid and appointed in the first instance by himself, and afterwards by......

Lord Lytton, On March 2nd, In A Speech On The

Bill amend-- ing the Licence Acts, took occasion to make some remarks on the finances of India, which he declared to be in a healthy state. The interest on the Debt, he said,......

The First Lord Of The Admiralty (mr. W. H. Smith),

addressing, on Wednesday evening last, the annual meeting of the London . and Westminster Working-Men's Conservative Association, made a somewhat mysterious statement. He said......

The Late Government Of Victoria Were Defeated At The General

election, and left in a minority of 12,—the reason being, we hope, that the country disapproves of the introduction of• the novel principle of a plebiscite into the......

Mr. Gladstone, As A Resident In Marylebone, Made A Speech

at the Vestry Hall, St, Pancras, yesterday week, in favour of the Liberal nominees for the borough at the next election, Sir - T. Chambers and Mr. D. Grant. He congratulated the......

Mr. P. A. Taylor Made An Amusing Speeeh Against The

Game-laws on Tuesday night. The state of England had' reminded him of the state of the Balearic Islands before the- Christian era, when the rabbit was regarded as a sacred......