6 MARCH 1880, page 13

Letters To The Editor.

AUSTRIA AND ENGLAND. [ro THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.] SIn,—In your issue of February 21st, I observe that you share what appears to be an antipathy common to the Liberal party......

A Proposal For The House Of Commons.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:1 8114—During the last twenty years it has been my duty to listen to a good part of the debates in the House of Commons, and I am convinced that......

The Gostinoldvor At Moscow.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sin,—Mr. Weller once observed that shuttlecock is a very. good game, when you have not got two lawyers for battledores. It is much the same,......


AN OLD BOAT. I PASSED a boat to-day on the shore, That will be launched on the sea no more. Worn and battered,—the straight keel bent, The side, like a ruined rampart, rent ;......