6 MARCH 1880, page 3

Privilege Has Been A Serious Thing For Mr. C. E.

Qrissell.. It will be remembered that he was accused last Session of repre- senting to the agents of the Tower High-Level Bridge that he could control the House of Commons......

The University Of Cambridge Appears To Be Full Of The

con- viction that a great deal of help, at least, can be given to teachers in enabling them to teach, besides that most essential help of all, which makes them masters of the......

The Bill For The Increase Of The German Army Was

brought in in the German Parliament on March 1st, and on March flnd was handed over to a Select Committee, which is .considered "almost tantamount to acceptance." The Bill was......

Lord Lytton, On March 2nd, In A Speech On The

Bill amend-- ing the Licence Acts, took occasion to make some remarks on the finances of India, which he declared to be in a healthy state. The interest on the Debt, he said,......

Consols Were On Friday 97 T To 971.


The Bishop Of Lichfield, Dr. Maclagan, Seems Not To Be

afraid of the charge of heresy. If the report of his recent charge in the Times can be trusted, he assured his clergy that the Greek word translated in our Version " eternal "......

Reuter Announces, In A Telegram From Teheran, That The...

Government has finally declined to occupy Herat, the political risks being too serious. On the Continent, it appears to be believed that the Shah yielded to Russian pressure,......

Dr. C. W. Siemens Gave A Very Remarkable Lecture At

the Royal Society on Thursday night, on the power of the electric light over vegetation. He had, he believed, shown by experiment that the electric light has the same sort of......

The New Post-office Cheques Are To Come Into Use On

or before September 1st. They are to be of four denominations,- 2s. 6d., 5s., 10s., and 15s., the poundage being ld. for the first two, and 2d. for the second two. The cheques......