6 MARCH 1880, page 23

A Young Man's Fancy, With Other Tales. By Mrs. Forrester.

3 vols. (Hurst and Blackett.)—The authoress quotes on her title-page Tennyson's well-known line, "A young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." Love, in one form or......

The Ober-ammergau Passion Play. Reprinted, By Permission,...

By the Rev. Malcolm MacColl, M.A. A New and Revised Edition. (Rivingtons.)—Having reviewed Mr. MaeColl's book on the Passion Play when it was first published, in 1870, it is......

Current Literature.

Annals of Chemical Medicine. Vol. I. By Dr. J. L. W. Thudichum. (Longmans.)—The defects of this new venture are so conspicuous, and its merits so recondite, that a brief general......

Conceived Incident Than Many A Pretentious Novel. The...

of the highest Christian order, hating the sin so much that it can feel the most compassionate interest for the sinner. The special virtue of patience in the heroine is......

Is Founded On The Work Of Professor Mohl, And Other

commentaries." The Psalms are arranged into stanzas, and "the idea of the publica- tion is that, analysed according to their sense and probable original structure; they should......

A Pink Wedding. By R. Moanteney Jephson. 3 Vols. (bentley.)—

Mr. Jephson gives a certain freshness to the first two volumes of his novel by laying the scene in Japan. The characters, indeed, are -quite familiar, and even conventional, and......