6 MARCH 1880, Page 1

The Emperor of Germany is taking great pains to show

that lie desires no war. On March 2nd a letter from him to the Czar was published in' St. Petersburg, in which he congratulates his nephew on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his accession, expresses his confidence that the friendship between the Sovereigns "will continue unchanged until the end of my fife," trusts that the Czar will be enabled "to continue the :beneficent mission which Providence has placed in his hands," and. renews the assurance of his own "unalterable friendship." This letter is countersigned "Bismarck." On March 1st, again, the Emperor dined at the French Embassy, an unusual mark of favour, especially intended to honour M. de St. Vallier, and took occasion to express his esteem for President Grevy, and to send the "homage of entire Germany" to M. de Freycinet, for his "ability and firmness/4 The Emperor denied all rumours of differences between himself and his Chancellor, whose illness he declared genuine, and was openly and "in a loud voice " thankful to Prince Hohenlohe for his uniform efforts for peace in Paris, a peace of which that Ambassador had never doubted. All this confirms the rumour repeatedly spread that the aged Emperor is most averse to the idea of another war in his own lifetime, and desires, having gained by war everything, to end his days in peace with all mankind. The effect of these speeches on the Bourses of Europe has been very decided.