Ott the 30th ult., in Clifford Street, the Lady JANET WALROBD, of a daughter. On the 29th ult., the Lady of AtExaxnEn ELPIDXSTON, Esq, of the.Honourable East India Company's Bombay Civil Service, of twin daughters. On the list ult., Lady ELIZABETH DRUMMOND, of a son. On the 3rtl inst., Mrs. FREDERICK WESTLEY, of a son. On the 4th inst., the Lady CAROLINE F. MAASS, of a son and heir.
On the 15th ult. at Naples, the Lady of ARTHUR Vas:surface Esq. of a daughter.
On the 26th ult. at Dundas Castle, the Hon. Mrs. DUNDAS, of a son.
MARRIAGES. On the 14th December last, at St. George's, Bloomsbury, EnivaanyrrzoEnaan,Esq. to Cor.vaLorrE, daughter of the late Sir Richard Jeplison, Bart.
On the 2tal lint., at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Honourable SAMUEL Mr,
brother of the Earl of Erroll, to Louisa, only daughter of the Hououtable Captain Pleydell Bourerie, On the 2tal inst., at Fareltam, Captain RICHARD K Tawas: Ihr-L, 52d Light Infantry, to JANE Mautia am eldest daughter of Vice-Admiral Iltdkett. On the 5th inst. at Marylebone Church, Colonel BERRELEY DRUMMOND, 1.0 MARIA, daughter of the late William Arthur Crosbie, Esq. Ott the 22,1 ult. at St. Omer's, in France, JAmEs SEDGwiCIC WETENITALL, Esq. to ELIZA EMILY, daughter Of the Hon. John Rodney.
Oil the 29th tilt. ;11 Laurel Grove, Rot hsay, La reitt.AX E::q. to Citatt- LorrE, second danglner of Li,ttenant-Geiteral Sir John
On the 20th ult. :tt Norwell Church, JAMEs ARCITtisAtts CA mplIELL, Esq. of Invemw. Argyllshire, to JANE Acur:;TA, youngest daughter of linger Pocklin;4ton, Esq. of Carlton House, near Newark, Notts.
DEATHS. On the 30th ult., HARRIET, the wife of Isaac Barker, of Haverstock: Hill, Hamp- stead, Esq.; and at the same place, on the following morning, MARY, her sister, the wife of John Coekhurn, Paymaster of the London District. On the:30th ult., at his house, Blackheath, in hi:: 75th year, STEPHEN' GROOMP RIDGE, Esq., F.R.S. It.A.S. On the 2Atlt nit., at Normanton, Leicestershire, II ICITART/AWKWRIGIIT jun., Esq.
On the 27111 ult., at Oakhampton House, Sumersetshire, in Ids 80th year, JONATHAN ELFoRit, Esc!.
On the 28th nit., in his 93:1 year, SAMUEL WARING, Esq. of the Oaks, Norwood, Sorry.
On the 99th ult. at Streatham Castle, in the county or Durham, in her 62.1 year, the Right Hon. Lady ANNA MARIA JESSUP, last surviving daughter of Johu, ninth Earl of Strathmore.
On the 24th ult. at Sharpitlaw House, near Kelso, JASPER Tour!' Cnaurnan, Esq.