Steam - Vessels In The Thames. — The Bill (as Amended By...
to regulate the navigation of steam vessels on the Thames, enacts that no steam-vessel is to be employed in the Thames unless licensed by the officer of the Customs, previous to......
Ebe Court.
Earl Grey went down to Windsor on Saturday, and returned on Monday. "Whether the visit was one of courtesy or of official duty, the Court chronicler does not say ; but he is......
T3rbatt# An Vrtirrelin0 In Partianunt.
1. IRELAND. Last night, the Marquis of WESTMF.ATII moved for a copy of the address of the magistrates of Westmeath to the Marquis of Anglesey; and in doing so, took occasion to......
C Aittrapori.d.
'WEST INDIA COLONIES. — A numerous meeting took place on Thurs- day, of the planters, merchants, and others "interested in the preserva- tion of the West India Colonies." The......