The Emperor Nicholas has published an Ukase, dated Warsaw, March 9 5, in which he decrees that the Kingdom of Poland shall in future form an integral part of the Russian Empire.......
The Money Market.
, STOCK EXCIIANGE; FRIDAY EvENING. Consols closed on Saturday at 83g 1-, for the Account. They have remained without much variation during the whole week ; and close to-day at......
The House Of Lords Will Meet This Day, At Half-past
three o'clock, for the purpose of passing the Consolidated Fund Bill, the Mutiny Bill, Malt Drawback Bill, &c., so that they, along with other bills, may receive the Royal......
The Dutch Papers Received This Morning Bring No News. There
are allusions to military movements, but the object of them is not described.......
Our Intended Distribution Of The Index This Week, Was...
with the mode of porting the debate on the second reading of the Reform Bill in the House, of Lords. The postponement of the latter has obliged us to change our Ilan: the Index......
Mr. Greatorex's L1brary. — Mr. Greatorex's Library Was...
the past week. It had, evidently, received very few additions during the last twenty years, mid was rich only in the works of some Old Masters. The chief attraction of the sale......
The Centenary Of The Birth Of Joseph Haydn Was Celebrated
at the s Albion Tavern this evening. About ninety gentlemen, including many musicians, of the highest yank, sat down to dinner; and after the vulgar ceremony of eating was over,......
East India Shipping.
Far DAY EVENING. The Company's ships Thomas Grenville and Minerva were lriven ashore at Diamond Harbour in a heavy " - de on the 17th October ; hut g ot off, and have been......