The House of Lords will meet this day, at half-past
three o'clock, for the purpose of passing the Consolidated Fund Bill, the Mutiny Bill, Malt Drawback Bill, &c., so that they, along with other bills, may receive the Royal Assent, by Commission, which will issue on Monday.
Mr. Bulwer and Colonel Torrens have renewed their respective motions, dropped on Thursday, for the 17th May.
BANK CHARTER.—In answer to a question from Mr. Gisborne, ast night, Lord ALTHORP said that the Committee on the subject of the Bank Charter was to be a Secret Committee, as it would be very inexpedient to submit the evidence connected with that establishment to the examination of the public.
Last. night's Gazette contains an order of the Privy Council, under the Cholera Act, calling on the parish-officers of St. George's, South- wark, to pay 3001. due for the expenses of the District Board of Health in that parish, and authorizing the Justices of the Peace to en- force the payment. We apprehend there will be an organized resist- ance against the Local Boards by and by.
In consequence of the diminished number of cholera patients, an order was yesterday issued from the Treasury to reduce the number of the Medical Board. The services, therefore, Of several of the inspec- tors will no longer be required or paid for.
The Cholera Report of to-day gives, for London, 23 new cases, 10 deaths, 23 recoveries. There remain 109; of which 34 are in South-
wark. hi the Country, the new cases are 39, the deaths 19, the re- coveries 23. There remain 109; of these there are at Ely 6 cases, and at Glasgow 44 cases.