7 APRIL 1832, page 11

The Churcil Preferments,—the Rev. W. Dolby, Vicar Of...

the Prebendal Stall in the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, vacant by the death of the Rev. II. Iletley. The Iles I fall to the Rectory of St. Werburgh, Bristol, vacant by the......

The Engravings In The Second Part Of The Gallery Of

the Society of Painters in Water Colours are not quite what we could wish them to be : in a work of this pretension, the excellence:of the plates should be commensurate with the......

The Universities.

CAMBRIDGE. APRIL 5.—The Chancellor's gold medals for the two best profieients in classical learn- ing intent the Commencing Bachelors of Arts, were, on Monday last, adjudged to......

Partnersiiws Dissolved.

JACKSON: aml JONEs, Chester, litiontlrapers—BRENNANottna DoNBISON, West Derby, ,g..-oe,csitis:oN ;ma Wieldtant liisla,ps, Essex, Millers ; ;Is fir as regards 11. DI xox vExs am'......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. Ott the 30th ult., in Clifford Street, the Lady JANET WALROBD, of a daughter. On the 29th ult., the Lady of AtExaxnEn ELPIDXSTON, Esq, of the.Honourable East India......

The Army.

WAR-OFFICE, April 6, 1832.—Ist Regt. of Dragoon Guards: Cornet J. Phibbs to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hawkes, who retires; B. Fuller, Gent., to be Cornet, by purchase, vice......