The engravings in the Second Part of the Gallery of
the Society of Painters in Water Colours are not quite what we could wish them to be : in a work of this pretension, the excellence:of the plates should be commensurate with the beauty of the pictures ; which is not the case in the present instance. The engraving, by J. H. ROBINSON, of LEWIS'S clever picture of " The Bachelor,"—a sportsman preparing for his day's sport, after having fortified himself with a substantial break- fast,—is accurate in detail, and displays much painstaking; but it wants the characteristics of the original—brilliancy, richness, and sharpness. D. Cox's breezy picture of " Calais Pier," is rendered with spirit and truth of effect in the engraving of W. J. COOKE ; and the sea, though not quite liquid enough, is worthy of the name. " Llyn 'dwell," by Roasost, is too hard and mechanical, though faithful in effect, and otherwise well engraved by W. R. SMITE.
H. B.'s " Conservative" tendencies peep out in his choice of subjects and his mode of treating them. He has adopted Sir Charles Wethe- rell's simile of pitching up new Peers like trusses of straw into a loft ; and has given us the King hoisting up that weighty bundle of aristocracy, Lord Painnure. The fiice of the King bears testimony to the hard work which Lord Grey recommends as "good for the constitution." In another political tableau, he puts the Ministry into the characters of the Guy Faux Conspiracy, as represented ill an old print. Lord Brougham is Garnet ; Lord Grey, Percy ; Lord John Russell, Guy Faux ; Lord Durham, Catesby ; Lord Althorp, Winter, &c. Lord John makes a very harmless Guy Faux; Lords Grey and Durham look the most formidable of the conspirators.
He also puts forth a humorous idea of a Legislative Assembly at Nealimatllawl, composed of dogs. The Speaker is putting the ques- tion ; and the canine members answer "bow" or "wow" for "aye" and "no:" in this case the "bows" have it.