Limn E Dlication. — A Meeting Was Held In Exeter Hall On
Tues- day, by the friends to the Kildare Street system of education; the ob- ject ot which, we are assured, every friend to Ireland, whether ap- proving of the new plan or the......
The Berners Peerage. — The Claim Of Mr. Wilson Of Kirkby...
Norfolk, to the Barony of Berners, was finally heard on Thurs- day. Mr. Wilson is descended from Thomas Knyvet, uncle of the last Lady Berners ' and claims the barony as heir......
A Req:iisition, Signed By Upwards Of Seventy Members Of The
Court of Commie: Council, was presented to the Lord Mayor on Wednesday, soliciting his Lordship to convene a Court for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of......
C Aittrapori.d.
'WEST INDIA COLONIES. — A numerous meeting took place on Thurs- day, of the planters, merchants, and others "interested in the preserva- tion of the West India Colonies." The......