limn E DliCATION. — A meeting was held in Exeter Hall on
Tues- day, by the friends to the Kildare Street system of education; the ob- ject ot which, we are assured, every friend to Ireland, whether ap- proving of the new plan or the old, will sympathize in—it was to adopt measures for raising such funds as might be necessary to replace the Government grant. Lord Bexley was in the chair. The speakers were the same as on former occasions, nor were the topics much different. We have no desire to quarrel with the expressions of men who give evidence that they are honest. The Kildare schools, in the way of fair and honourable rivalry, will be greatly useful; they will serve as a spur to the managers of the Government schools. The sum required is even smaller than was at first calculated upon. One of the speakers, on Tuesday, mentioned I.5,000/. a year as sufficient. It is impossible that the Protestants of Ireland and their friends in England should experience any difficulty in raising such a sum, if they put their heart in the work. The meeting, towards its termination, was interrupted by a person named Flanagan, who attempted to address the Chair, from the centre of the Hall, on the subject of some Misrepresentations, as he deemed them, which had been made of the sentiments and doings of the Catholics. He was first put down, 'and then put out. We do not feel so mach surprise and indignation at this treatment of Mr. Flanagan as some of our contemporaries do. These meetings are held for the purpose of announcing the resolutions of the members, not of discuss- ing their principles. If every one who thought himself or his party aggrieved, were allowed to interrupt the regular speakers, there would he an end of business. A meeting of Flanagans would not listen to Mr. Gordon, and it cannot be expected that a meeting of Cordons should listen to Mr. Flanagan. Let the Kildare Street advocates have their way—if, as they say, they are content to pay for it. If the subscrip- tion fail, they are a set of hypocritical pretenders, unworthy of further notice.