A req:iisition, signed by upwards of seventy members of the
Court of Commie: Council, was presented to the Lord Mayor on Wednesday, soliciting his Lordship to convene a Court for the purpose of taking
into consideration the propriety of petitioning his most gracious Ma- jesty forthwith to create it number of Peers, sufficient to insure the passing of the Reform Bill.
At a meeting of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, held on Tuesday, the Bishop of London in the chair, it was resolved to present a memorial to the East India Company against the tribute derived from idolatrous worship.
A vestry meeting was held on Thursday, in the parish of Christ- church, Surry, Mr. Mapleton, the Rector, in the Chair ; when Beeja-
min Iluiwes, junior, Esq., stated that the Board of Health had dishursed upwards of 2001. as the expenses of the Cholera Hospital, and was par- ticularly desirous that these expenses be paid by.makiag a penny addi- tional poor-rate, and also that funds be provided for the weekly expenses of the Cholera Hospital.. The vestry meeting held that day fortnight, had refused the payment of the money in question ; upon which the Board of Health was compelled to apply to the Privy Council, which made an order in the London Gazette of Friday last upon the parish to pay the money forthwith. He concluded by moving a rate of one penny. Mr. Wooler said he did not consider the state of the disease required the formation of a Board of Health in the parish. He moved as an amendment, that the consideration of the subject be adjourned sine die, which, after some discussion, was carried by a large majority. By this decision it is supposed the Board of Health will themselves be compelled to pay the expenses incurred by the Cholera Hospital.
The New Canada Land Company had a meeting yesterday.- Mr. Galt read a report, stating, that of the shares of the Company, 8,051 had been already subscribed for ; 2,000 were kept for subscribers in Canada. The whole number was intended to be 10,000, at 251. each. Government were willing to assign to the Company 1,.500,000 acres, at the rate of 250,000 acres every two years, but they would fix no price for the future allotments. The report concluded by mentioning a no- tice served on the Company by the sui-disant Earl of Stirling, caution- ing them to buy no land in Canada except from his Lordship.
It was decided on Thursday, by Mr. Commissioner Evans, that Mr. Barber Beaumont could not prove for a debt of 14,000/. against the estate of Morland and Co. due to the County Fire-Office, on the ground that Sir G. Duckett was a partner in the fire-office, and one partner could not prove against another partner, except where fraud had been committed.
A petition to Parliament was agreed to on Wednesday, by the news- venders of London,—praying that the Postmasters and Clerks of the Road may be prohibited from selling or interfering in the sale of newspapers.
Captain Bryan Broughton was sworn in on Wednesday, to the command of the East India Company's ship Earl of Balcarras, con- signed to China direct. The Duke of Bedford has given orders for the whole of the shops in Covent Garden Market to be newly painted; and that all filth and rubbish shall be immediately removed.