WAR-OFFICE, April 6, 1832.—Ist Regt. of Dragoon Guards: Cornet J. Phibbs to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hawkes, who retires; B. Fuller, Gent., to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Phibbs-6th Dragoon Guards: Cornet J. Johnston to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Turner, who retires ; A. Erskine, Gent., to be Cornet, by pur- chase, vice Johnston-3d Reg.L of Foot: Ensign H. Blair to be Lieut. without pur- chase, vice Hanna, deceased; W. J. Hamilton, Gent., tube Ensign, vice Blair-29th Foot: Ensign G. T. Potter to be Limit., by purchase, vice Barron, promoted; E. Mac- kay,Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Potter-29th Foot: Lieut. J. Hope, from the 75th Foot, to be Lieut., vice B. Beaufoy, who retires upon half-pay-39th Foot: Major D. Macpherson tobe Lieut.-Colonel, without purchase; Capt. P. C.Crotty to be Major, vice Macpherson; Capt. H. Mansell, from the half-pay unattachetl, to he Capt., vice Crotty—To be Lieutenants: Lieut. R. Roberto% from half-pay 56th Ft ot ; Lieut. T. F. Sinclair, from halr-pay 44th Foot; Lieut. J. Stewart, from half-pay 45th Foot ; Lieut. H. F. Stokes, late of the 35th Foot ; Lieut. C. D. O'Connell, from half-pay Unattached; Ensign W. K. Chibl : Ensign 3. Farmer; Ensign F. Dunbar; Ensign W. T. N. Champ, from the 636 Foot—To be Ensigns: Ensign F. W. 13. NPLeod, from the 91st Foot, vice Scott, who exchanges; Ensign C. L. Stretch, from half-pay 11th Foot, vice Child; R. D. verge, Genf., vice Farrier; R. 'Finley, Gent., vice Dunbar-60th Foot: Ensign
G. H. Conttenay, from the 66th Foot, to be Second Lieut., by purchase, vice Bingham, promoted in the 75th Foot-634I Foot 11. .1. F. Miles, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Champ, promoted in the 39th Foot-66th Foot: G. Biscoe, Gent., lobe Ensign, by purchase, vice Courtenay, appointed to the 60th Foot-75th Foot: Lieut. E. W. 'Bien- cowe, from half-pay Unattached, to be Limit., vice Hope, appointed to the 29th Foot; Second Lieut. R. C. Bingham. from the fOth Foot, to be Lieut., by purchase, vice Tyner, who retires-91s1 Foot: 'Ensign W. G. Scott, from the 39th Foot, to be Ensign, vice APLeod. who exchanges-99th Foot: Staff-Assistant-Surgeen R. Primerese to be As. sistant-Siugeo% vice Bomford, appointed to the Staff.
Unattached—Lieut, R. Barron, from; I s t Foot, to be Capt. of Infantry, by
purchase. I-•
Hospital Staff--To be Assistant.Surgeous .5ssistant-Surgeon 3. Itomford, from the 99th Foot. vice Primerose, appointed to the 9:tt It Foot ; Assistant-Surgeon J. C. Carter, from half•pay of the Hospital Staff, %ice Huston, appointed to the Newfutoulland 'Veteran Companies. • rasa. Memorandum—Capt. M. 11'Nei1l, halrinty 21st TM% has been allowed to retire fro% the service, by the sale of au unattached Commission.